trying to understand an awr report

  • From: "ed lewis" <eglewis71@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 May 2011 20:21:41 -0400

    I'm trying to understand some of the information in 
an AWR report.


- The "executions" column and "Elap per exec"  , in several cases is empty, 
  but shows "DB time",   "Elapsed TIme", and "CPU time". 
  Can anyone explain that ?

- 1 transactions shows 5.509,111 executions but
  no "elap per exec".  

    These numbers are from 9 hours of snapshots.

Solaris 10,   RDBMS, and RAC

    Your comments are appreciated.



  a.. Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL 
statements called by the code. 
  b.. % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided into the 
Total Database Time multiplied by 100 
      Elapsed Time (s) CPU Time (s) Executions  Elap per Exec (s)  % Total DB 
Time SQL Id SQL Module SQL Text 
      16,520 16,518 19,286 0.86 4.03 d4fdhcjs2vndp  SELECT C603210194 FROM 
T2245 W... 
      12,041 12,023     2.94 3ycgb4yb5svuc    SELECT T954.C1, C1000000161 FR... 
      11,554 11,528     2.82 00yn69r0dguk6    SELECT T954.C1, C1000000161 FR... 
      11,441 9,214 19,384 0.59 2.79 41cnaprwx32n6  SELECT cdintegrationid FROM 
      11,356 11,337     2.77 gvtgqv0gqx6nn    SELECT T954.C1, C1000000161 FR... 
      7,877 7,875     1.92 fyb6g4640yaag    SELECT T954.C1, C1000000161 FR... 
      7,465 1 5 1492.91 1.82 cmdx8dhbwnncy  DELETE FROM T129 WHERE C1 = :"... 
      6,731 6,728     1.64 0pks9t80ukx0s    SELECT T936.C1 FROM T936 WHERE... 
      5,947 2,982 1,308 4.55 1.45 4rkq5f7cx0aau   SELECT T1346.C1 FROM T1346 
      5,134 5,122 134 38.31 1.25 9g2vbj6d66ssr  SELECT T954.C1, C1000000161, 
      4,990 4,843 5,509,111 0.00 1.22 9dqj7wx3yc9yq  SELECT fieldId, vuiId, 
      4,807 4,807 32 150.23 1.17 0xjy5qb0z6s1w  SELECT T727.C1, C10000001, 

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