Re: migrate from PostgreSQL to Oracle

  • From: "Remigiusz Sokolowski" <remigiusz.sokolowski@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jose.soares@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 09:41:28 +0100

jo pisze:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to Oracle, I'm trying to migrate from PostgreSQL to Oracle.
> I have this table in PostgreSQL that I would like to convert to Oracle.
> There are a couple of errors here:
> 1) I can't create the CHECK constraints on date_start and date_end,
> because Oracle doesn't allow this syntax.
> Is there an work around for this?

I'm not sure, but in article by Steven Feuerstein (though may be I
remember the author wrongly) there was such workaround - to create
deterministic function, which returns actually sysdate (and this way is
not deterministic) and can be used for this - anyway it is against
Oracle principle to use in constraints a deterministically behaved code

> 2) I would like to have the last_modify column updated, every time
> someone update the row.
> In Pg I had the pgplsql update_last_modify() and the
> reg_on_update_set_last_modify trigger, but I can't transalte them to

just create a trigger as You do in Postgresql - this is pretty much similar

> 3) I would like to create an index on rows having type column in 'A' or
> 'P' but 'C'.

here the best way is to create an index on name + function which returns
A, P and null for C
> Could you please give me some help?
>   code            VARCHAR2(10) PRIMARY KEY,
>   name            VARCHAR2(100),
>   type            CHAR CHECK (type IN ('A','C','P'),
>   date_start      DATE CHECK (date_start <= CURRENT_DATE),
>   date_end        DATE,
>   bdn_id          NUMBER,
>   bdn_cod_reg     VARCHAR2(10),
>   CONSTRAINT reg_date_end_check CHECK (date_end BETWEEN date_start AND
> );
> CREATE FUNCTION update_last_modify() RETURNS trigger
>    AS
> $$
>    BEGIN
>        NEW.last_modify := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
>        RETURN NEW;
>    END;
> $$
>    LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> CREATE TRIGGER reg_on_update_set_last_modify
>     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_last_modify();
> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_name on reg (name, type) where type = 'A' and
> typo ='P';
> j
> -- 
> //


Remigiusz Sokolowski <remigiusz.sokolowski@xxxxxxxxxx>
pos  : DBA at DUSB
addr : Nordea Bank Polska SA, Luzycka 6A Street, 81-537 Gdynia, Poland
phone: +48 58 667 17 43

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