Re: measuring performance of scan listeners

  • From: Dba DBA <oracledbaquestions@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Andy Wattenhofer <watt0012@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2014 11:48:06 -0400

yeah. I didnt think there is much to go on. However, I am getting client
push back.

thanks. I dont think it will be an issue. My bigger concern is finger
pointing. If something is slow for some reason, Ill get see I told you
about scan listeners, even though the events or whatever I look at will
point to something else.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Andy Wattenhofer <watt0012@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> I haven't seen any replies to this, so I'll take a stab at it. And I'll
> admit up front, I think it is bizarre that SCAN would be suspected as a
> performance hit as opposed to having one listener per database. I'll keep
> the discussion to answering your question about monitoring listener
> performance, however.
> Somewhere in here there needs to be a discussion about what is expected of
> listener performance. Maybe that is something you can take back to your
> customer. Is it number of connections established per minute? Is it number
> of bytes sent and received? There are many ways to frame it.
> Beware also that it will be impossible to produce anything useful without
> testing both configurations. You'll have to set up scan listeners before
> you can run tests. That effort alone makes this somewhat moot, as I expect
> the performance (or suspected lack thereof) with SCAN will be immediately
> realized as soon as you spin up the scan listeners.
> A quick and dirty method of monitor performance would be to grep the
> listener logs for number of instance name occurrences. Something like this:
> "grep <instance name> listener.log | wc -l". That will tell you how many
> times activity is logged for each instance. You'll want to further filter
> the listener log entries for your testing timeframe.
> I'll admit I think that is a dumb way to test this, but maybe it is enough
> to prove the point. It depends on the audience, I guess.
> For a real test, I think you would have to turn on listener tracing and
> then use trcasst to generate performance stats. You would need to do this
> both before and after setting up SCAN. It will be a lot of work. Looking at
> the documentation for 
> 11.2<>,
> it appears that *trcasst -s* can give you lots of stats on bytes sent and
> received, sessions served, and so on.
> Andy
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Dba DBA <oracledbaquestions@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Clusterware(2 nodes):
>> DB Homes:,, 11.2.4 (all use same clusterware)
>> OS: Redhat 6.
>> Migrating existing DBs from a customer to us. Our standard is to use SCAN
>> listener. The customer uses 1 listener per DB. This is primarily because
>> DBs upgraded from earlier versions. Its a much larger project to require
>> TNS changes to many locations if you change to scan. In our case all tns
>> needs to change because we are moving to different servers.
>> Getting pushback about 'performance issues with just the scan listener'.
>> I dont know how to measure this. Its outside the DB so the event system
>> won't work. I don't think it matters since its the same set of CPUs, but Id
>> rather get some numbers instead of guessing.
>> We are also required to use SSL connections and plan to follow the
>> following note. Not sure if this has any impact on performance.
>>  [image: Description:]
>> *Using Class of Secure Transport (COST) to Restrict Instance Registration
>> in Oracle RAC (Doc ID 1340831.1)*
>> Issues:
>> 1. Some clusters have 20+ DBs. Concern(not my concern) is that scan
>> listener alone can't handle this many DBs.
>> 2. SSL connections: I think the customer actually set this up wrong. They
>> had the TCPS configured in the listener, but gave their users the TCP
>> connection. So they are not really using SSL. For security reasons, I made
>> the decision to use SSL across the board and do it correctly. I dont know
>> if this has any impact on performance and I dont know how to measure it.
>> 3. Some DBs have very high process parameters (over 1100).  This implies
>> these DBs have applications that don't use connection pooling. So this
>> would mean more listener usage. I dont know for sure. All I have to go on
>> is the init.ora file. We are in the early stages. I also would be surprised
>> if this matters to scan vs. lots of listeners.
>> I dont think going to scan will impact performance. Its the same number
>> of CPUs. I think lots of listeners may be a little worse since its more
>> processes that need to be spawned. That being said, I have no idea how to
>> measure this. Its outside the DB, so the DB event system won't work.
>> Any suggestions on how to measure 'listener performance'. It sounds
>> bizarre, but I don't know how to respond.

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