Re: getting in a little over my head

  • From: Stephane Faroult <sfaroult@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: JSweetser@xxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2011 09:26:54 +0200

     I have never been a great fan of execution plans but I have always 
hated multiple subqueries that kind of "sequentialize" everything. For 
me, everything depends in your query about the selectivity of accountid 
in tables quote and pol_policy, and my gut instinct would make me 
rewrite your query like this:

SELECT rownum               AS pk,
        128847               AS accountId,
        NULL                 AS logid,
        0                    AS deleted,
        'GENERAL'            AS CATEGORY,
        acv.MESSAGE          AS note
FROM (select objectid objid, 'Quote' linktype
       FROM quote
       WHERE accountid = 128847
       union all
       select objectid objid, 'Policy' linktype
       FROM pol_policy
       WHERE accountid = 128847
         AND logid = 1) x
      inner join accountnotemview acv
         on acv.objid = x.objid
        and acv.linktype = x.linktype

at which point it becomes obvious that an index (on acv) on (linktype, 
objid) or (objid, linktype), depending on already existing indexes (no 
need to make a concatenated index start with a column that is already 
separately indexed) would help, unless of course objid is already unique.

Otherwise, are you aware that calling "pk" a rownum (which may be 
different for the same line the next time the query runs, especially if 
the table is modified) is relational heresy? Some people died in a 
bonfire for lesser crimes.

Stephane Faroult
RoughSea Ltd <>
Konagora <>
RoughSea Channel on Youtube <>

On 09/08/2011 11:53 PM, Sweetser, Joe wrote:
> SQL gurus,
> I have a developer who came to me and asked me to make a certain sql 
> statement 'as fast as possible'.  Said statement was running against a view 
> that was sort of nasty with sub-queries and a union thrown in.  Cutting to 
> the chase, I created a MV that looks like this:
> SSS3@idm1>  desc accountnotemview
>   Name                                      Null?    Type
>   ----------------------------------------- -------- 
> ----------------------------
>   CREATED_USERNAME                                   VARCHAR2(100)
>   CREATED_TIME                                       TIMESTAMP(6)
>   OBJID                                              VARCHAR2(50)
>   LINKTYPE                                           VARCHAR2(100)
>   TASKORDER                                          NUMBER
>   STATUS                                             CHAR(7)
>   MESSAGE                                            VARCHAR2(4000)
> Not a lot of data....36,474 rows.
> SSS3@idm1>  select count(*) from accountnotemview;
>    COUNT(*)
> ----------
>       36474
> SQL statement is (ultimately, the accountID will be a bind variable):
> SELECT rownum      AS pk,
>    128847           AS accountId,
>    NULL             AS logid,
>    0                AS deleted,
>    'GENERAL'        AS CATEGORY,
>    MESSAGE          AS note
> FROM accountnotemview acv
> WHERE (linktype = 'Quote'
> AND objid      IN
>    (SELECT objectid FROM quote WHERE accountid = 128847
>    ))
> OR (linktype = 'Policy'
> AND objid   IN
>    (SELECT objectid FROM pol_policy WHERE accountid = 128847 AND logid = 1
>    ))
> /


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