Re: Sql Query

  • From: Stephane Faroult <sfaroult@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: smishra_97@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 21:25:12 +0100


I was wondering if it is possible to do it in pure SQL and I am afraid I got carried out by the problem.
Here is my entry for the 'Sick SQL of the Year' challenge :

SQL> variable param varchar2(1000)
SQL> begin
2 :param := 'Col1,111,Col2,AAAA,Col2,AB%,COL2,BBBB,Col3,23454,Col3,1212';
3 end;
4 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select decode(n,
2 1, ' ',
3 decode(cnt, 1, ' and ',
4 decode(r, 1, ' and (',
5 ' or ')))
6 || col || val
7 || decode(cnt, 1, '',
8 decode(r, cnt, ')',
9 ''))
10 from (select rownum n,
11 col,
12 decode(lvl, 2, ' in (', op) ||
13 val || decode(lvl, 2, ')', '') val,
14 count(*) over (partition by col) cnt,
15 row_number() over (partition by col
16 order by op) r
17 from (select col, op, val, lvl,
18 row_number() over (partition by col, op
19 order by lvl desc) num
20 from (select col, op, val, lvl
21 from (select level lvl,
22 col,
23 op,
24 ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(val, ','), ',') val
25 from (select col,
26 rownum rn2,
27 op,
28 count(*) over (partition by col) cnt,
29 rank() over (partition by col order by op) rnk,
30 decode(valtype, 'A', '''', '') ||
31 decode(valtype, 'A', replace(val, '''', ''''''), val)
32 || decode(valtype, 'A', '''', '') val
33 from (select col,
34 val,
35 case instr(val, '%')
36 when 0 then ' = '
37 else ' like '
38 end op,
39 case nvl(length(rtrim(translate(val, ' +-.0123456789',
40 '**************'), '*')), 0)
41 when 0 then 'N'
42 else 'A'
43 end valtype
44 from (select max(case mod(rn, 2)
45 when 1 then lower(col)
46 else null
47 end) col,
48 max(case mod(rn, 2)
49 when 0 then col
50 else null
51 end) val
52 from (select rn,
53 trunc((rn +1)/2) rn2,
54 substr(',' || :param || ',',
55 instr(',' || :param || ',', ',', 1, rn) + 1,
56 instr(',' || :param || ',', ',', 1, rn + 1)
57 - instr(',' || :param || ',',
58 ',', 1, rn) - 1) col
59 from (select rownum rn
60 from dual
61 connect by level <= 1 + length(:param)
62 - length(replace(:param, ',', ''))))
63 group by rn2
64 order by rn2)))
65 connect by nocycle col = prior col
66 and rn2 > nvl(prior rn2, 0)
67 and op != 'like')
68 where instr(val, '%') = 0
69 or lvl = 1))
70 where num = 1)
71 /

    col1 = 111
and (col2 in ('AAAA','BBBB')
     or col2 like 'AB%')
and col3 in (23454,1212)

I don't mean that it is easy to maintain :-)

Stéphane Faroult

Sanjay Mishra wrote:

I tried the following and it worked
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure gen_proc is
arg varchar2(500);
col varchar2(100);
p_col varchar2(100) := 'test';
val varchar2(100);
where_con varchar2(500);
outs varchar2(500) := 'select c1 from some_table where ';
col := substr ( arg,1, instr(arg,',')-1);
arg:=substr ( arg, instr(arg,',')+1);
val:=substr ( arg,1, instr(arg,',')-1);
arg:=substr ( arg, instr(arg,',')+1);
if ( p_col != col ) then
if ( where_con is not null ) then
where_con := where_con || ') and ( ';
where_con := where_con || '(';
end if;
if ( instr(val,'%')=0 ) then
where_con := where_con || ' ' || col || ' = ''' || val || '''' ;
where_con := where_con || ' ' || col || ' like ''' || val || '''' ;
end if;
else -- if col is repeated
if ( instr(val,'%')=0 ) then
where_con := where_con || ' or ' || col || ' = ''' || val || '''';
where_con := where_con || ' or ' || col || ' like ''' || val || '''' ;
end if;
end if;
if ( arg is null ) then
end if;
end loop;
outs := outs || where_con || ')';
dbms_output.put_line(outs );

*/T homas Day <tomday2@xxxxxxxxx>/* wrote:

I'm no expert but this sounds like a job for dynamic SQL - or else
some programmatic solution. Good luck and let us know what you
find in the manual.

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