Re: Script to remove network log/trace files

  • From: "Niall Litchfield" <niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cemail_219@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 10:38:30 +0000

You should bookmark and note
more generally.

The following vbscript will do what you specifically ask. Fell free to
remove the debug stuff which just bulks it out once you understand it.

Rem *****************************************
Rem * This script deletes archive log files *
rem * which are more than <iDays> old       *
Rem * From archive log directory            *
Rem *                                       *
Rem *****************************************
Rem *****************************************
Rem * Version History:                      *
Rem * 0.1 Niall Litchfield 29/08/2003       *
Rem *****************************************

' Constants alter if necessary
const iDays = 7  ' Change this to change archive retention period
const arch_dest = "<location of files to delete"

dim today,arch_date

today = Now()
arch_date = today - iDays

DeleteArchives arch_dest,arch_date

Sub DeleteArchives(strFolder,modDate)
' sub routine to delete archives older than
' modDate. Called twice
 Dim fileSystem        ' Filesystem Object
 Dim folder            ' Folder
 Dim file                ' File Object
 dim debug                ' change to enable interactive debugging via
message boxes

 debug = false
 If debug = true then
 msgBox strFolder
 msgBox modDate
 end if

   ' Create the filesystem object
   set filesystem = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   ' get the Folder
   set folder = fileSystem.GetFolder( strFolder)
   ' create a file enumerator
   For each filename in folder.files
   ' get file object
   set file = fileSystem.GetFile( fileName)
   ' get date last modified
   dateLastModified = file.DateLastModified

   if debug = true then
   msgBox "File: " & fileName & vbcrlf & " Last Modified: " &
   end if
       ' if file is older than NUMBER_OF_DAYS
       if dateLastModified < modDate then
              ' delete the file if not in debug mode
           if debug = false then
           fileSystem.DeleteFile (fileName)
           end if
       end if
End Sub

On 1/7/07, J. Dex <cemail_219@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Does anyone have a script for Windows that will archive old network log
trace files and also remove any that are more than a month old (or at
be able to run under a monthly scheduled task)?    I have done this in
but not on Windows.

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Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

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