Re: Oracle Advanced Queue and Java Messaging System(JMS)

  • From: Martic Zoran <zoran_martic@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: radu.popescu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 03:42:02 -0700 (PDT)


> Can you share some numbers ? What are the average
> enqueue and dequeue speeds, 
> and on what hardware ?

Around 450 per CPU per process from the business
logic. This is simple maybe not optimized result
meaning the number may be higher if I needed to be.

So some little business logic to pack the messages is
there, meaning not 100% accurate result.
Also every group of messages is commited meanining
commit is every 3 messages in average.

HW: Solaris 9, RAC, 450MHz CPU

> Also how many queues, producers and consumers do you
> have ?
4 queues. 2 are with 1 producer and 4 or more
consumers, 2 are with 4 or more producers and 1
consumer. This was good enough for our customers
because the bottleneck was in some other integrated
systems :)

If you want to be faster you will go with bulk enq/deq
(DML) in 10g.

> Does this mean that you're storing raw messages ?
No, the messages are type based. 5 columns in the
message type.

Oracle AQ is very good as I said because it is simple
table with the structure like this having 3 indexes:

Name                          Null?    Type
----------------------------- -------- ---------------
Q_NAME                                 VARCHAR2(30)
MSGID                         NOT NULL RAW(16)
CORRID                                 VARCHAR2(128)
PRIORITY                               NUMBER
STATE                                  NUMBER
DELAY                                  DATE
EXPIRATION                             NUMBER
TIME_MANAGER_INFO                      DATE
LOCAL_ORDER_NO                         NUMBER
CHAIN_NO                               NUMBER
CSCN                                   NUMBER
DSCN                                   NUMBER
ENQ_TIME                               DATE
ENQ_UID                                NUMBER
ENQ_TID                                VARCHAR2(30)
DEQ_TIME                               DATE
DEQ_UID                                NUMBER
DEQ_TID                                VARCHAR2(30)
RETRY_COUNT                            NUMBER
EXCEPTION_QSCHEMA                      VARCHAR2(30)
EXCEPTION_QUEUE                        VARCHAR2(30)
STEP_NO                                NUMBER
RECIPIENT_KEY                          NUMBER
DEQUEUE_MSGID                          RAW(16)
SENDER_NAME                            VARCHAR2(30)
SENDER_ADDRESS                         VARCHAR2(1024)
SENDER_PROTOCOL                        NUMBER
USER_DATA                              ZOX.SUBS_TYP

Where enq and deq (from the trace file) are using
these SQL's:

1. Enqueue

insert into ZOX.QUEUE1_TAB  (q_name, msgid, corrid,
priority, state, delay, expiration,  
time_manager_info, local_order_no, chain_no, enq_time,
step_no, enq_uid,   enq_tid, retry_count,
exception_qschema, exception_queue, recipient_key,  
dequeue_msgid, user_data, sender_name, sender_address,
sender_protocol)   values (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7,
:8, :9, :10, :11, :12, :13, :14, 0, :15,         :16,
:17, :18, :19, :20, :21, :22)

2. dequeue

select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,
 dequeue_msgid, chain_no, local_order_no, enq_time,
enq_tid, step_no,  priority, exception_qschema,
exception_queue, retry_count, corrid, 
time_manager_info, sender_name, sender_address,
sender_protocol  from ZOX.QUEUE1_TAB where
time_manager_info <= :1 and state != :2  order by

select enq_tid  from ZOX.QUEUE1_TAB qtable1  where
q_name = :1 and state = :2 and step_no =        
(select min(qtable2.step_no)          from  
ZOX.QUEUE1_TAB qtable2          where  qtable2.q_name
= qtable1.q_name and                 qtable2.state  =
qtable1.state  and                 qtable2.enq_tid =
qtable1.enq_tid) order by q_name, state, enq_tid,
enq_time, step_no,                          chain_no,
local_order_no  for update skip locked

select user_data from ZOX.QUEUE1_TAB where rowid = :1
and (enq_tid = :2 or enq_tid is NULL) and step_no = :3

update ZOX.QUEUE1_TAB set state=:1,
time_manager_info=:2, deq_time=:3, deq_uid=:4,
deq_tid=:5  where rowid = :6

How scalable you can imagine from this implementation

Because it is very simple it is great and very fast.
With addition of bulk DML it should be much faster.


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