Myths & legends: temporay segments and redo

  • From: Mladen Gogala <gogala@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 16:26:20 -0500

There is a popular myth that modifying blocks in the temporary
segments will not generate redo. I created a global temporary 
table and found out that modifying blocks in the temporary segments
does generate redo information. Yet, this myth is very persistent and
I don't quite know the source of it. Has anyone else encountered that
myth and why exactly are temporary blocks protected by redo? The only
reason I can master is logical standby, but it looks like a long shot.
In particular, the corollary of this statement is that select statements
will generate redo logs, if they entail large sorts.

Here is the proof:

SQL> drop table t_emp;

Table dropped.

SQL> create global temporary table t_emp
  2  on commit preserve rows
  3  as select * from emp where rownum<0;

Table created.

SQL> select,s.value
  2  from v$statname n, v$mystat s
  3  where n.statistic#=s.statistic# and
  4  name = 'redo size';

NAME                                                                  VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
redo size                                                             23212

SQL> declare
  2  i integer:=0;
  3  begin
  4  for i in  1..5000
  5  loop
  6  insert into t_emp select * from emp;
  7  end loop;
  8  end;
  9  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select,s.value
  2  from v$statname n, v$mystat s
  3  where n.statistic#=s.statistic# and
  4  name = 'redo size';

NAME                                                                  VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
redo size                                                            937172

SQL> spool off;

In another session:

  1  select t.username,s.sid,t.tablespace,(t.blocks*8192)/1048576 "MB"
  2  from v$sort_usage t,v$session s
  3* where t.session_addr=s.saddr
SQL> /

USERNAME                    SID TABLESPACE                             MB
-------------------- ---------- ------------------------------- ---------
SCOTT                        59 TEMP                                 4.00

Mladen Gogala


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