Re: Going multicore, Sun Fire T2000 (8 cores)

  • From: Mogens Nørrgaard <mln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Rich.Jesse@xxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 23:44:09 +0200

If we're talking the T1 8-core Sun processor, it's 0.25, meaning one of them costs 2xCPU price. I still don't know why. It's either a very slow 8-way or Oracle is trying to help Sun from going down.

There could be cases, though, where having many slow cores would be more interesting than few fast cores - right, Cary? Cary?!?


Jesse, Rich wrote:

Isn't that "2" CPUs for an 8-core? Or did the licensing change yet again? It was recently .25xCore for SPARC 8-ways.


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