Re: Fw: OT - Getting fired for database oops

  • From: "S. Anthony Sequeira" <tony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 19:39:42 +0100

Rich Jesse wrote:
>> Using different colors is helpful. Personally I usually do that on Windows.
> Good point!  I have this in my .kshrc on my non-prod Oracle logins:
> export
> PS1='^[[0;32m^[[1m${HOST}:^[[1;33m${PWD}:^[[0;32m^[[1m${ORACLE_SID}^[[0m> '
> And for the prod ones:
> export
> PS1='^[[0;31m^[[1m${HOST}:^[[1;33m${PWD}:^[[0;31m^[[1m${ORACLE_SID}^[[0m> '
> The "32" changes the color to green, while "31" changes to red.  Red =
> Production in my mind.
> Of course, every environment is different -- the above needs to be adjusted
> accordingly.  I use this combo with the newer PuTTY Tray variant of PuTTY
> for my SSH client on Winders.
> Rich
Don't forget TWO_TASK, the relevant bit of my PS1 has

I also 'SELECT * FROM v$instance;' before doing anything drastic.

S. Anthony Sequeira
How many hardware guys does it take to change a light bulb?

"Well the diagnostics say it's fine buddy, so it's a software problem."

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