Re: Doubt regards EXECPTION

  • From: De DBA <dedba@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ecandrietta@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 20:13:29 +1000

Hi Eriovaldo,

Using an old debuggers trick, you can see that it does exactly what you expect 
it to do. Instead of just concatenating the watched variable, we used to put it 
between characters that (most likely) do not appear in the payload of the 
variable. That way you can, for instance, easily distinguish between a NULL 
string and a space. In this case, it will show what exactly was output by 

In this case, I used square brackets around SQLERRM in erro 2:

         when others then
           dbms_output.put_line ('erro 2: [' || sqlerrm || ']');

The output shows that the nested error is added to the original error message, 
rather than replacing it. The carriage return between the two messages causes 
the confusion:

SQL> /
erro 1: ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero
erro 2: [ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero
ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero]
Apos erro2

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Hope this helps,

On 23/09/12 05:54, Eriovaldo Andrietta wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> I have a doubt related to EXCEPTION.
> SQL>
>    2  x number := 0;
>    3  y number := 100;
>    4  BEGIN
>    5  y := y / 0;
>    6  exception
>    7    when ZERO_DIVIDE then
>    8      dbms_output.put_line ('erro 1: ' || sqlerrm);
>    9      declare
>   10      begin
>   11      y := y / 0;
>   12      exception
>   13         when others then
>   14           dbms_output.put_line ('erro 2: ' || sqlerrm);
>   15      end;
>   16      dbms_output.put_line ('Apos erro2');
>   17    when others   then
>   18      dbms_output.put_line ('erro others: ' || sqlerrm);
>   19  END;
>   20  /
> erro 1: ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero
> erro 2: ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero
> ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero
> Apos erro2
> *Understanding:*
> Exception 1
>     y := y / 0; -->   (the first one)
>     when ZERO_DIVIDE then -->   erro 1: ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero
> Exception 2
>    y := y / 0; (the second one)
>    when others then -->            erro 2: ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero
>    and show the message : ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero
> *My Doubt:*
> Why oracle shows the default exception : ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a
> zero
> There is a code that shows the erro 2 message
> and I understand that the default error should not appear ?
> Any idea ?
> Regards
> Eriovaldo
> --
> //


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