Re: Causes of CF (Control file) Enqueues on Index Creation?

  • From: "Alberto Dell'Era" <alberto.dellera@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "David Aldridge" <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 00:19:10 +0200

On 9/15/07, David Aldridge <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ah, that's very interesting. I can't imagine why the parallel dml would lock
> the table though.

Because the Query Coordinator locks all the partitions exclusively
(see log at the bottom).

I understand what you are thinking - the parallel processes could
in principle insert into temporary segments, and only at the end
lock the table/partitions and attach the temporary segments
to the partitions segments.
I agree that it would be a nice enhancement (and btw, what a joy would be
to have a command such as ALTER TABLE APPEND SEGMENT ;)


SQL> create table t (x int)
  2  partition by range (x) (
  3    partition p0 values less than (1),
  4    partition p1 values less than (2)
  5  );

Table created.

SQL> alter session enable parallel dml;

Session altered.

SQL> insert /*+ append parallel(t,2) */ into t /* partition (p0) */ (x) select 0
  2    from dual connect by level <= 2;

2 rows created.

SQL> col name form a30
SQL> select sid, type, (select object_type||' '||object_name||'
  2                  from dba_objects
  3                 where object_id = id1) name,
  4         lmode, request
  5    from v$lock where sid in (select sid from v$session where
  6     and type='TM'
  7   order by sid, name;

       SID TYPE   NAME                                LMODE    REQUEST
---------- ------ ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         9 TM     TABLE PARTITION T P1                    4          0
         9 TM     TABLE PARTITION T P1                    1          0
         9 TM     TABLE T                                 3          0
        10 TM     TABLE PARTITION T P0                    6          0
        10 TM     TABLE PARTITION T P1                    6          0
        10 TM     TABLE T                                 3          0
        13 TM     TABLE PARTITION T P0                    4          0
        13 TM     TABLE PARTITION T P0                    1          0
        13 TM     TABLE T                                 3          0

9 rows selected.

SQL> select qcsid, sid from v$px_session;

     QCSID        SID
---------- ----------
        10         10
        10         13
        10          9
Alberto Dell'Era
"the more you know, the faster you go"

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