RE: ASH droppings in bdump - / win32

  • From: John Kanagaraj <john.kanagaraj@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "'bdbafh@xxxxxxxxx'" <bdbafh@xxxxxxxxx>, Oracle-L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 21:46:20 -0800


>so would turning off active session history.

At the risk of offending the "Hidden parameter" police, you can use one of
the following parameters (_ash_enable seems to be the one):

select  nam.ksppinm NAME, nam.ksppdesc DESCRIPTION,
ksppstvl VALUE, ksppstdf IS_DEF
from x$ksppi nam, x$ksppsv val
where nam.indx = val.indx
and (ksppinm like '\_ash%' escape '\' or ksppinm like '\_active%' escape
order by 1;

_active_standby_fast_reconfiguration    if TRUE optimize dlm reconfiguration
for active/standby OPS
_ash_disk_filter_ratio  Ratio of the number of in-memory samples to the
number of samples actually written to disk
_ash_disk_write_enable  To enable or disable Active Session History flushing
_ash_dummy_test_param   Oracle internal dummy ASH parameter used ONLY for
_ash_eflush_trigger     The percentage above which if the in-memory ASH is
full the emergency flusher will be triggered
_ash_enable     To enable or disable Active Session sampling and flushing
_ash_sample_all To enable or disable sampling every connected session
including ones waiting for idle waits
_ash_sampling_interval  Time interval between two successive Active Session
samples in millisecs
_ash_size       To set the size of the in-memory Active Session History

John Kanagaraj <><
DB Soft Inc
Phone: 408-970-7002 (W)

Fear connects you to the Negative, but Faith connects you to the Positive! I
Jn 4:18

** The opinions and facts contained in this message are entirely mine and do
not reflect those of my employer or customers **

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