[nama] Runtime limit

  • From: Joel Roth <joelz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 00:26:05 -1000

Hi Namites,

How does Nama decide how long the engine should
be allowed to run?

For track caching, especially, we would like the
correct value set, or the ability to stop the
transport in the normal way to end the engine run.

Ecasound will *not* give a useful answer via cs-get-length
if there is a metronome input, or if there is a JACK client
source (i.e. as part of an insert).

Nama does know the length of each track, and the various
offsets and regions.

At the least, we need to limit processing time in the 
the simplest case, where cs-get-length returns a non-zero

In the absence of that value, Nama needs to make the
best determination it can, and to print that value
to the terminal.

We also need the ability for the user to specify
a run time. We currently have limit_run_time
nd limit_run_time_off commands (not tested.)

Finally, to be able to interrupt any processing
with the spacebar would be useful and is expected.

We have two mechanisms to enforce a limit on runtime:
the cs-set-length command, and Nama's own ability
to set a timer to trigger a stop command.

So we should be able to get satisfactory behavior.


Joel Roth

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