LuaJIT and mmap() scalability

  • From: Alexey Kopytov <akopytov@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 21:51:16 +0300


I maintain a benchmark application that has been recently migrated from PUC Lua to LuaJIT. The application may create lots (thousands) of threads with some workloads.

I started hitting issues with mmap() scalability after the migration due to the fact that LuaJIT uses mmap() intensively during the initial trace generation. Which manifests itself as much lower performance during the first 10-30 seconds of a benchmark run, with CPU being mostly idle in workloads involving 1000+ threads.

Which is apparently a long-known problem in the Linux kernel:

In a nutshell, mmap()/munmap() calls performed concurrently with multiple threads within the same process are serialized around a per-process lock. There have been a number of attempts to fix it, but apparently it's still there.

Searching the web does not indicate that anyone has encountered this specific problem with LuaJIT.

Is there anything that can be done at the application or LuaJIT level to circumvent or relax the mmap() bottleneck?

Here's a sample perf report captured during the initial period when benchmark numbers are low:

88.57% 0.00% swapper [unknown] [k] 0x0000000080b50054

    10.74%     0.00%  sysbench    sysbench               [.] worker_thread


Best regards,

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