[Linuxtrent] Strano evento con git-svn

  • From: Michele Bert <micbert75@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:48:00 +0100

So che in lista c'è chi lo usa piuttosto assiduamente. Confido nella
pazienza di queste persone per avere supporto nel capire cosa sia capitato.
Il lavoro di routine ormai da più di un anno consiste in:
- modificare un file
- git add file
- git commit
quando arrivo in un determianto stato:
- git svn rebase
- git svn dcommit

Oggi ho fatto la stessa cosa, e alla fine mo sono trovato con le ultime
commit tolte dal repository git (come se fosse stata fatta una reset).

In seguito ho ripetuto (quelle che mi sembravano) le medesime operazioni, e
tutto ha funzionato come mi aspettavo.

Ecco la sequenza dei comandi:

git add CS31L.RPG
git commit
Waiting for Emacs...
[master b7048e2] integration: fixed pgm CS31L
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
git rebase -i HEAD^^^
Waiting for Emacs...
Waiting for Emacs...
[detached HEAD badeb89] integration: fixed pgm CS31L
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.
git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# ../integration/sib/QTEMP.LIB/QDDSSRC.FILE/ZF21Q.DDS
# ../rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/GetIFileManager.cpp
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
cd ../integration/
git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working
# modified: tools/vas_pgm.txt
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# ../rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/GetIFileManager.cpp
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
git add tools/vas_pgm.txt sib/LIBFCSRC.LIB/QRPGSRC.FILE/OK00TDOG.RPG
git commit
Waiting for Emacs...
[master 1f95494] integration: added a dog backend and updated vas pgm list
2 files changed, 146 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 integration/sib/LIBFCSRC.LIB/QRPGSRC.FILE/OK00TDOG.RPG
git commit
Waiting for Emacs...
[master 5a095e1] integration: Added definition of file ZF21Q needed by
compilation of rpg ZF21B0
1 file changed, 41 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 integration/sib/QTEMP.LIB/QDDSSRC.FILE/ZF21Q.DDS
git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# ../rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/GetIFileManager.cpp
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
git svn rebase
M integration/tools/rebuild.sh
r9253 = b173886573b3a9bd4a7b5a65eab207a840dd2814 (refs/remotes/trunk)
M rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/As400Names2RdbmsMysqlImpl.hpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/As400Names2RdbmsOracleImpl.hpp
A rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/IConfigManager.hpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/IIOEntryPoint.hpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/mysql/DbEntryPoint.hpp
A rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/mysql/DbConfigManager.hpp
A rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/oracle/DbConfigManager.hpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/oracle/DbEntryPoint.hpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/include/iol/As400Names2Rdbms.hpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/prl/unittest/PrlUnitTest1_ora
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/prl/unittest/PrlUnitTest1_ora.cpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/prl/unittest/PrlUnitTest1_my
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/prl/unittest/PrlUnitTest1_my.cpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/prl/unittest/TS23T.FILE.pfd
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/mysql/Sample1.cpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/mysql/sconscript
A rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/mysql/DbConfigManager.cpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/mysql/DbEntryPoint.cpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/oracle/Sample1.cpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/oracle/sconscript
A rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/oracle/DbConfigManager.cpp
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/oracle/DbEntryPoint.cpp
Couldn't find revmap for
Couldn't find revmap for
r9257 = 0ca4ed7f6caa4c972403f2752d4866c5979eb870 (refs/remotes/trunk)
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: integration: added rpg OK00S to be patched
Applying: integration: removed by pgm OK00S all special characters
replacement (unnecessary with ASCII coding)
Applying: integration: script to create view ZT17§PS
Warning: commit message does not conform to UTF-8.
You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config
variable i18n.commitencoding to the encoding your project uses.
Applying: rpg2cpp: Removed verbose tracing in CRTLF command implementation
Applying: integration: Added rpg CS31L to be fixed
Applying: integration: fixed pgm CS31L
Applying: pfc: DB2-to-oracle sql converter does not accept comma as decimal
Applying: integration: added a dog backend and updated vas pgm list
Applying: integration: Added definition of file ZF21Q needed by compilation
of rpg ZF21B0
git svn dcommit
Committing to https://subversion.crtnet/RPG2CPP/trunk ...
Committed r9258
r9258 = 7f3cf96d9d98a4bc828770b60bf39efa99cfab5d (refs/remotes/trunk)
No changes between current HEAD and refs/remotes/trunk
Resetting to the latest refs/remotes/trunk
Unstaged changes after reset:
M integration/tools/vas_pgm.txt
M pfc1/jo/SYSTEM/LINUX/oracle/JODb2SqlLexer.ll
M pfc1/jo/SYSTEM/LINUX/oracle/JODb2SqlParser.yy
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/cpp/QFILE.cpp
Committed r9259
r9259 = 5338c3835e14fb891db079e2b7328e508dcc67b0 (refs/remotes/trunk)
No changes between current HEAD and refs/remotes/trunk
Resetting to the latest refs/remotes/trunk
Unstaged changes after reset:
M integration/tools/vas_pgm.txt
M pfc1/jo/SYSTEM/LINUX/oracle/JODb2SqlLexer.ll
M pfc1/jo/SYSTEM/LINUX/oracle/JODb2SqlParser.yy
M rpg2cpp/jn/src/cpp/QFILE.cpp
Could not decode as UTF-8:
integration: script to create view ZT17§PS
Perhaps you need to set i18n.commitencoding

git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working
# modified: tools/vas_pgm.txt
# modified: ../pfc1/jo/SYSTEM/LINUX/oracle/JODb2SqlLexer.ll
# modified: ../pfc1/jo/SYSTEM/LINUX/oracle/JODb2SqlParser.yy
# modified: ../rpg2cpp/jn/src/cpp/QFILE.cpp
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# sib/LIBFC.LIB/sql/create_ZT17pDS.sql
# ../rpg2cpp/jn/src/iol/GetIFileManager.cpp
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Se qualcuno ha avuto la pazienza di arrivare fino a qui, riesce a darmi un
suggerimento, per capire cos'è successo?


Other related posts:

  • » [Linuxtrent] Strano evento con git-svn - Michele Bert