[Linuxtrent] OT: Update to automatically open port 135 in Windows Firewall...

  • From: Flavio Stanchina <flavio@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:32:07 +0100

Mentre sto risolvendo alcuni problemi di connettività, lancio un nmap verso uno dei nostri server www Windows e mi accorgo che c'è la porta 135 aperta:

Interesting ports on [omissis]:
21/tcp  open   ftp
80/tcp  open   http
135/tcp open   msrpc
443/tcp closed https

Il firewall è completamente chiuso eccetto per inetinfo.exe, ed il processo in ascolto sulla porta 135 non è inetinfo.exe ma un svchost.exe (ho controllato con netstat). Quindi perché è aperta?

Da http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838191

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*Update to automatically open port 135 in Windows Firewall when a TCP or a UDP RPC server registers with the endpoint mapper* RPC programs that are permitted from the perspective of Windows Firewall and that use dynamic endpoints cannot communicate unless you manually open port 135 or port 593. This update modifies the RPC protocol to call an additional Windows Firewall API. This API does the following for programs that are permitted by Windows Firewall and that use dynamic endpoints:

* Automatically opens TCP port 135 for TCP protocol sequences
* Automatically opens TCP port 593 for HTTP protocol sequences
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Non vi sembra un buco grande come una casa?

Ciao, Flavio

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