[liblouis-liblouisxml] Question with Liblouis UTDML volume generation and reformat option related

  • From: Hammer Attila <hammera@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:50:47 +0100

Hi List,

How possible generating braille volume separated Braille documents in Liblouis UTDML 2.5 or 3.x series development version?
The online awailable 2.6 release documentation only describing following part the volumes related:
"6.8 Dividing a Book Into Volumes

Details are still under development. However, this much can be said. First, obtain a table of contents for the whole book. This requires that your configuration files have the following settings:

contents yes
braillePages yes

This will tell you the approximate braille pages on which things will be placed in the finished product. You can then calculate the number of pages required for each chapter and how many chapters will fit in a volume of your preferred size. From the point of view of the braille reader, it is desirable to avoid splitting chapters between volumes.
At this point you will probably have to edit the source xml file to indicate the beginning and end of volumes. You can define a liblouisutdml style called ‘volume’ and assign appopriate xml tags to it in a semantic-action file. Within the volume style you can nest a title page, chapters, etc. A volume table of contents is still under development."

If I have a HTML file for example with tagged h1... h6 heading levels, the main braille document wonderful put Liblouis UTDML the table of contents.
But, if need splitting a large book with multiple volumes (table of contents need each volume), how can possible doing this?
If the HTML document not good source with this situation, anybody possible give me a little XML based document with support the volume separation possibility?

I have got a question with the -r (reformat option) related:
For example, I have a braille document (simple .brf document, with eurobraille code), and doed manual editing related tasks (changed some words hiphenation on the braille document, change some short line wrapping, etc).
If I typing following command, the reformat operation not happening right, Liblouis UTDML created an empty destination document:
file2brl -r a.brf b.brf
The error message is following the development version:
"Begin read_configuration_file
found table /usr/share/liblouis/tables/en-us-g2.ctb
... (another found tables related messages)
Finish read_configuration_file
Begin read_configuration_file
Finish read_configuration_file
Starting new document
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
About to perform back translation
Finish makeParagraph
Begin makeParagraph
Begin read_configuration_file
Finish read_configuration_file
error :
Document is empty

Document could not be processed; may be malformed or contain illegal characters"

I attaching the .brf document, possible anybody have an ydea.
The reformat possibility described in documentation with following way:
"5.3 Reformatting

file2brl -r infile outfile

As in the previous section, infile must be a braille file. It is back-translated and then forward-translated to produce a braille file in outfile which conforms to configuration specifications. It is useful for changing the line length and page length of a braille file. New braille page numbers will be generated if braillePages yes is specified. If backFormat html has been specified, print page numbers will be reproduced in the appropriate places. Some formatting may be lost."

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  • » [liblouis-liblouisxml] Question with Liblouis UTDML volume generation and reformat option related - Hammer Attila