[openbeos] Re: info please

  • From: "Zenja Solaja" <solaja@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 07:56:04 +0000

Hey Marcus (and everyone else), relax.

I personally think Karl did an exceptional thing with Haiku bounties.  He
organised everything, was very communicative with donators (myself included)
and was exceptionally professional and HONOURABLE about the whole ordeal.
Even though I'm old and mature enought to not require an official "thank
you", I do understand Karl's fatigue in this whole situation.  He is being
honourable to the people who had trust in him, and as figurehead of Haiku
bounties, he feels that he has an obligation to contributors to push this
issue about a simple thankyou from Haiku as an organisation.  Karl has shown
amazing morality (and patience) and for these reasons I will gladly work
with Karl again.

We are not adolescant children - we do not need words of encouragement or
praise for every good act we do.  Karl just felt that he had to speak for
all of his silent contributers.  And we all agreed with Karl that the money
from Haiku Bounties should be transferred to Haiku themselves.  A simple
thankyou on a webpage would have settled this issue long ago.

Everyone, relax, life is beautiful, Haiku is great, etc.

On another note, Karl has clearly shown that people are more willing to
donate money if they know where the money will be spent (ie. defined goals
and targets), rather than a 'donation' system where no one knows where the
money will go.  To use myself as a clear example, I donated $100 for a USB
stack (which I hope Michael and Neils will soon split).  With a defined
goal, it was easier for me to pony up, since in an obscure way, I realise
that I'm indirectly helping a project.  Marcus, for 2 of your drivers I also
donated some money (insignificant amount, but symoblic).  On the other hand,
I would have hated to see the money go to 'marketing'.  That is just my
personal philosophy.

We should all applaud Karl's efforts.

Again, we all need to relax and enjoy this wonderful thing we're all part
of.  Lets get over these growing pains, and work on a common goal which we
all share.


On 8/28/06, Marcus Overhagen <marcusoverhagen@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Karl vom Dorff wrote:

> One more thing...
> I've read that Koki was hired to head marketing at Haiku.
> If this is the case, and funds from the Haikubounties were used for
this, I
> find it pathetic that Haiku can hire someone with the money before
> the people who donated or letting them know what was done with the

I think this is more than enough now.

We will make sure that the bounty money is transfered back to you,
so you can refund the donators, because none of the bounties
was fullfilled.

The whole bounty idea doesn't work for haiku, and working with you seems
to be a major problem.


Marcus Overhagen

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