[openbeos] Re: Afternoon, all

  • From: revol@xxxxxxx
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 00:32:51 +0200 (MEST)

Hello !
On my side I ( mmu_man ) am in contact with Chris Simmons ( 
stinger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Technix on BeShare ) which coordinates some actions 
at BeFAQ.

He asked us to mail to everyone you think is worth contacting. he set up a 
template I include below, that I also translated in french if someone here is :)

I already mailed Opera (still no answer as of today) and I think he mailed a 
lot of people already. What would be nice is 1) not to send mail directly to 
Palm as BeFAQ has some good contacts with them and it would be useless and 
counterproductive to duplicate communication, and 2) to ask Technix first 
before sending mail to big organisations to avoid getting them 10 times the 
same mail.

That's for the relational things.
Talking about what could be done on BeOS :

What could be done IMO is following the same path as Apple did open-sourcing 
Darwin. Of course we can't put BeOS straight to GPL. BUT, we could open-source 
it bit by bit, maybe asking for 3rd party developers wishing to help (under NDA 
of course) to strip the licenced code from A chunk of the BeOs, then following 
approbation by Palm comitting this one to open-source so the community can work 
on this piece of code and rebuild what was removed the open-source way.

This would have the side effect that Palm, whenever they could wish to join the 
IA market would benefit from the open-source developpments and will be able to 
use it in BeIA.

Using 3rd party developpers would help Palm not have to spend lots of 
money/engineers on this project.

Comments now !

See you,

En réponse à Michael Phipps <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Wow. What a difference 24 hours can make.
> I have been in touch more with the folks speaking with Palm. This being
> a weekend, not much is going on, but I will let you know what I know,
> when I know anything. Palm has asked BeFAQs to post a survey for the
> BeOS community. The survey code is done (I helped them test it), but
> they are having some dns/server issues. I expect to see it available
> shortly.
> We are now more than 50 users. I am impressed with the turnout from the
> community. Thanks.
> I have a thought that I would like to float. How many of us would be
> willing to support Palm, ASSUMING that they wanted to continue BeOS
> support, by forgoing our dreams of a fresh, new, completely open source
> BeOS, instead, maybe, working on some piece of BeOS that was open
> sourced like OT/OD? This is not something that they have suggested, but
> something that I have suggested. It would reduce the load on the
> engineers there, help us to get the OS changes/fixes/enhancements that
> we need, and bring us closer to a perfect OS. This seems to me to be a
> viable, reasonable solution. I think that it would get us the best bang
> for our buck, time and effort wise. It would be a disappointment to
> those (me, for instance) who wanted to work on a particular portion that
> wouldn't be opened (kernel, I think it is safe to say would remain
> closed). But I would live with that. Anybody object?

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You have likely heard by now the news of Be Inc.'s purchase by Palm Inc. I wish 
to inform you of the effort underway to show Palm Inc. what the BeOS Community 
is about, and what future we think BeOS and BeIA have, in the minds of 
thousands of active developers, including possibly yourself.

It is perceived by many in the BeOS Community that Palm Inc. truly had no idea 
of the size and spirit of the BeOS Community itself. I think, and this is just 
my personal opinion, that Palm Inc. is doing a quick turn of the head, and 
investigating exactly what we're about. I would like to think that it would be 
in Palm Inc.'s best interest to do more research in this area, and to know 
exactly what they have "bitten off" in their purchase, so to speak.

A dedicated group of us in the BeOS Community has been in contact with Palm 
Inc. since Thursday, August 16th, 2001, and has had wonderful communication 
since then. Palm Inc. themselves has formally requested from us both feedback, 
and a report on the status of the BeOS Community. It is to this end that we 
have put up a webpage that will allow anyone active in BeOS to put forth their 
ideas and thoughts on what has happened with Be Inc. and the future of BeOS, 
and any other comments they may have about this important issue.

We also urge you to consider putting up a public statement that includes your 
thoughts and perspective in this matter. Not only would this allow your view to 
be seen by thousands of people, but it will also generate additional traffic to 
your website, and allow the public to view your work, with the added benefit of 
turning a percentage of the them in future customers.

Please consider putting up a public statement in the spirit of Good Will, and 
mutual respect that the BeOS Community illustrates.

I have provided three major online petitions that might be of interest to you.

BeFAQs.com ->

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Respectfully Yours,

Chris Simmons
Avid BeOS user.

--small disclaimer--
We're sorry if this is overlapping previous work by someone else, but we're 
trying to contact as many people on this important issue, so please accept our 
apologies if you receive multiple email contacts.

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Vous avez certainement récemment entendu parlé de l'achat de Be Inc. par Palm. 
Je tiens à vous informer des efforts souterrains entrepris pour montrer à Palm 
Inc. l'étendue de la communauté autour de BeOS, et les idées quand au futur de 
BeOS et BeIA, qu'ont des milliers de développeurs, dont vous faites peut-être 

Beaucoup d'entre nous se sont rendus compte que Palm Inc. n'avait pas la 
moindre idée de l'étendue de la communauté autour de BeOs et de l'esprit qui 
l'anime. Mon opinion est que Palm commence à s'en rendre compte et cherche à 
nous connaitre. Je pense qu'il serait du meilleur intéret pour Palm de 
s'informer sur ce que nous sommes, et de savoir exactement de quoi ils ont 
"hérité" de part leur achat.

Un groupe de la communauté est entrée en contact avec Palm Inc. le jeudi 16 
août 2001 et entretient depuis une communication soutenue. Palm nous a demandé 
"officiellement" un état des lieux de la communauté. A cette fin nous avons mis 
en place un site web permettant à quiconque utilisant/développant activement 
pour BeOS d'exposer ses idées et commentaires sur cet évènement important ainsi 
que sur le futur de BeOS.

Nous vous prions également de publier un communiqué incluant vos idées et 
perspectives concernant ce sujet. Non seulement cela permettra à des milliers 
de personnes de connaitre voter point de vue, mais également cela augmentera le 
traffic autour de votre site, et permettra au public de découvrir votre 
travail, et de vous apporter de futurs clients.

Merci de publier ce communiqué dans un esprit de bonne volonté et de respect 
mutuel que la communauté de BeOS entretient.

Veuillez trouver ici lune liste de différentes pétitions qui peuvent vous 
intéresser :

BeFAQs.com ->

Merci du temps que vous avez passé à lire ce texte.
Dans l'attente de vos nouvelles, veuillez recevoir mes respectueuses 

François Revol,

P.S. Si vous désirez contacter directement un coordinateur (en anglais) écrivez 
à Chris Simmons ( stinger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ).

Nous espérons ne pas avoir dupliquer les efforts d'une autre personne, dans ce 
cas veuillez nous en excuser. Nous essayons simplement de contacter le plus de 
personnes possible.

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