[haiku-appserver] Re: new drawing bug, Rudolf - some stuff for you :-)

  • From: "Rudolf" <drivers.be-hold@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-appserver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 14:46:41 +0100 CET

Hi all,

Sorry for the delay: I was busy with the nicer stuff (programming), as 
usual :-/
Anyway, now SVN access is/was down, I wrote down some text.
No code yet.
Please read this text and tell me if that's enough!

Thanks a lot :-)

Best regards,


Attempting paste: (sorry if no good, I can also send it as attachement. 
(trying that as well now)

        Be Docs (file: R4_Graphics_Driver_Docs):
        Engine Synchronization

        B_ACCELERANT_ENGINE_COUNT  -  No feature specific data required.
        Return the number of acceleration engines that the device may 
operate in parallel.
        It's not required for all engines to be equally capable (i.e. 
support the same
        acceleration features).

        B_ACQUIRE_ENGINE  -  No feature specific data required.
        Request exclusive ownership of an acceleration engine with the 
capabilities mask specified.
        The caller is willing to wait up to max_wait micro(milli?)-seconds. 
If the request can't be
        fullfilled before that time expires, the accelerant should return 
B_WOULD_BLOCK immediatly.
        If non-zero, sync_token points to a synchronization token retrieved 
from either
        release_engine() or get_sync_token() to which the engine should be 
synchronized before
        engine acquisition succeeds.  See B_SYNC_TO_TOKEN for more details.  
The engine_token for
        the successfully acquired engine is returned in engine_token **et.

        B_RELEASE_ENGINE  -  No feature specific data required.
        Relinquish exclusive ownership of the engine specified by 
engine_token et.  If
        sync_token *st is non-zero, return a sync_token which can be 
utilized to ensure that the
        specified engine has completed all acceleration operations issued 
up this point in time.

        B_WAIT_ENGINE_IDLE  -  No feature specific data required.
        Wait for the graphics device to be completely idle (i.e. no current 
running or pending
        acceleration primitives, DMA transfers, etc.).

        B_GET_SYNC_TOKEN  -  No feature specific data required.
        Return a synchronization token for the specified engine.  
sync_token *st must point at
        a sync_token which will be updated with the information required to 
ensure that a call to
        sync_to_token() will be able to ensure that the specified engine 
has completed all of the
        acceleration primitives, DMA transfers, etc. that have been issued 
up to this point in time.

        B_SYNC_TO_TOKEN  -  No feature specific data required.
        Ensure that the engine specified in sync_token *st has completed 
the acceleration
        primitives, DMA transfers, etc., issued up to the point in time 
specified in the sync_token.

        Rudolf's notes.
        info on engine_token:

        uint32 ACCELERANT_ENGINE_COUNT(void)
        exists because in theory a single card can have multiple 
independant acceleration engines.
        For instance one that can do 2D, and one that can do 3D (or 
combinations). See
        'engine capabilities' flags in Accelerant.h.
        (note: never seen multiple engines per card     yet though. Was this 
meant for some very old
         hardware with seperate 2D and 3D 'blocks'? Although I guess it's 
thinkable that multiple
         equally capable engines would exist as well..)

        In order to distinquish between multiple engines all acceleration 
commands are given along
        with an engine_token *et, aquired when
        status_t ACQUIRE_ENGINE
                (uint32 capabilities, uint32 max_wait, sync_token *st, 
engine_token **et)
        was called.
        status_t SYNC_TO_TOKEN(sync_token *st)
        is an exeption: here the engine is ID'd by member: (defined in 
        uint32  engine_id.
        void WAIT_ENGINE_IDLE(void)
        is an exeption also because this function returns only when *ALL* 
engines are completely
        idle. Hence no need for distinction.
        Furthermore the absense of the use of engine_token in both 
        would seem to indicate these hooks may be used *without having 
acquired the engine*. (?).

        info on sync_token:

--      How does the acceleration cmd interface work? There's a circular 
buffer that stores cmd's.
        There's a hardware pointer that points 'at' the command currently 
being executed (think
        of stacks: some architectures point to the first 'free' location, 
some to the 'last used'
        There's also a second pointer which points at the first free 
location, i.e. where new cmd's
        will be stored pending execution. This second pointer is a software 
maintained pointer (in
        the driver).    

--      What's a sync_token? A Sync_token in nothing more than a extra 
pointer (one per token). This
        pointer points at the first free location in the cmd buffer at that 
point in time the 
        sync_token was 'filled'. In theory it doesn't change during the 
(rest of the) life-time of
        the token, although the driver-implementation could (?) do that 
anyway for some internal
        Driver users (i.e. app_server) are responsible for reserving memory 
for a sync_token. They
        pass a pointer to it to the driver (if they want to use it). The 
driver in turns fills it
        with the needed info. Driver users may never modify the content of 
the sync_token(s).
--      When would a user be interested in a sync_token? If multiple 
independant (so non-overlapping)
        'regions' require multiple updates each alternatingly done by 
software and acceleration engine,
        it might be interesting to use sync_tokens (for instance).
        It would be possible to issue all engine commands concerning area 
#1, ask for a sync token,
        issue all engine commands concerning area #2, and then do this:
        - SYNC_TO_TOKEN (so waiting until all engine commands concerning 
area #1 are done);
        - Draw in area #1 using software (while the acc engine is in the 
process of updating area #2:
         (so some 'parallel processing' is done here).

        If no sync token would be used, instead of syncing to token, 
wait_engine_idle would be used.
        This of course would mean that no 'parallel processing' could be 
        Worse yet: if some seperate user is also using the engine (between 
        done by 'user #1' (i.e. app_server), the acc engine might *never* 
become fully idle.
        A nice example here would be 3D acceleration: as long as no non-
accelerated drawing has to be
        done there, there's no reason the engine would need to be idle at 
all for this (apart from
        processing 'user-input' like joystick controls).
        You see: an acceleration engine automatically serializes it's cmd 
processing so update errors
        because of out-of-order execution wouldn't happen.
--      Why didn't I implement sync_token stuff in the matrox, nvidia and 
neomagic drivers?
        Lack of 'known specs' yet. You see, even if the pointers in the cmd 
buffer are known: that's 
        not enough yet:
        - The fact that an command is fetched from the buffer does *not* 
mean it's
        execution is completely done.
        - The implementation via just a pointer is not enough: if you wait 
too long, the current
        free pointer might have cycled around the buffer. This means a 
simple compare to that
        pointer is not conclusive. Much better would be actually inserting 
'dummy commands' inside
        the command buffer at the place a sync_token is generated. This 
dummy commands would be 
        executed just once, when we reached our goal. If the dummy command 
clears a variable 
        especially setup for the sync_token in question: we would have a 
conclusive result without
        even the use of an actual pointer in the sync_token. AND: updating 
the tokens would have no
        software overhead, as the acc engine would do it. (via 'pointers 
only' some invalidation
        code has to be executed once the hardware pointer cycles around).

        NOTE PLEASE:
        This information is based upon my understanding of hardware inner 
workings.       As this 
        understanding grows and is corrected over time, I might contradict 
myself later on if
        asked again. :-)         

//actual hooks:
        uint32 ACCELERANT_ENGINE_COUNT(void);
        status_t ACQUIRE_ENGINE(uint32 capabilities, uint32 max_wait, 
sync_token *st, engine_token **et);
        status_t RELEASE_ENGINE(engine_token *et, sync_token *st);
        status_t GET_SYNC_TOKEN(engine_token *et, sync_token *st);
        status_t SYNC_TO_TOKEN(sync_token *st);
        void WAIT_ENGINE_IDLE(void);

//end of file.

> On 2005-11-15 at 11:05:14 [+0100], Adi Oanca wrote:
> > On 11/15/05, Ingo Weinhold <bonefish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > On 2005-11-15 at 09:50:33 [+0100], Rudolf wrote:
> [...]
> > > Does anything speak against posting the stuff to this list? Then 
> > > lurkers
> > > like me could have an interesting read, too. :-)
> > 
> >    The emails Rudolf sent me, or the final decision? I had in plan 
> > to
> > post the final answer anyway.
> Both, if you don't mind.
> CU, Ingo

<<< application/x-be_attribute; name="BeOS Attributes": Unrecognized >>>

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