[geocentrism] Re: Tides

  • From: Paul Deema <paul_deema@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 00:06:19 +0000 (GMT)

Allen D 
I see an object in free fall as being a body in motion in a straight line, in 
an orbit of any possible shape, or an undefined path through the universe being 
deflected randomly by gravity fields but having no ability to change its own 
speed or direction. Do you argue against that?
Now, to being able to detect the change in velocity of a body in a non circular 
orbit ie an orbit where the velocity does actually change -- let's choose 
elliptical with the maximum sustainable eccentricity. I don't know how you 
define that but I want a very long, very skinny ellipse. A body in this orbit 
will have the maximum delta v.
Now let us put a very very very long skinny space ship in that orbit, 
longitudinally aligned tangential to the orbit at the periapsis, having a 
prograde rotation in the plane of the orbit and having a sidereal period of one 
of its orbit's years. I'll admit that the acceleration measured at the front of 
the vehicle will be different from the acceleration at the rear of the vehicle 
EXCEPT when its longitudinal axis is tangential to its orbit at periapsis and 
apoapsis. I'm unable to determine at what point in the orbit the greatest 
difference will be measured. However, if the accelerometer is placed at the 
centre of gravity of the very very very long skinny spaceship -- or indeed if 
the vessel is of any shape right through to and including a sphere, the 
indicated acceleration will always be zero. Do you argue against that? Note 
that there is an admission contained here.
On this basis, you should be able to determine what the relative positions of 
the red sphere and the green sphere will be as they pass perihelion.
On this basis also, with your proficiency at mathematics, you should be able to 
calculate the expected changes in acceleration of the Earth in its slightly 
elliptical orbit about the Sun, though I suspect that compensating for the 
acceleration due to Earth's rotation will keep you busy, as will compensating 
for that rotation being inclined to the orbit.
Now to the contents of this post. Actually the only points that I think I 
follow are in your illustration.
Points -
1.   Inertia is not a force.
2.   Your two descriptions external of the graphic end with '?' I never know 
with you -- are these questions or statements?????
3.   Your statements headed "MS states ..." Come on Allen! If you pull the 
other one it plays jingle bells! First -- the Sun pulls us down -- I can live 
with that. Second -- distant stars pull us up -- horse feathers. Third -- 
distant stars create inertia -- horse feathers. 
Inertia is a property of mass -- it is the resistance to a change in velocity.
The role of the distant stars -- are you saying that MS states that in a two 
body universe one body cannot orbit another body?
Paul D

----- Original Message ----
From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, 7 May, 2008 9:43:18 PM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Tides

ok ....see attached diagram......
A. HOw can i be pulled away differently then the earth in a "free fall"?...I 
thought grav in f a "freefall "pulls centers of mass at the same rate?.....if 
that is true about a person on the planet then why is it not true for the 
accelerometer.....well could say the accelerometer is at the center of 
mass...ok....so then what we are saying is all we have to do to detect our 
acceleration is move the mass or person in our accelerometer/ planet offset wrt 
the center of totlal mass by puting it on the sun side (side of the direction 
of our "free fall") ?.......ummmmm that is not very sporting of the sun if it's 
gravity is pulling all centers of mass at the same rate wrt each other....where 
is the additional energy comming from.....ummmm....perhaps we are saying the 
further we fall the larger the deviation between any two centers of masses are 
because of the rate is determined by the square of the distance............. in 
a orbit the square of that distance
 changes by how much?.......oh the tides thats right.....so can we or can we 
not detect the acceleration of the earth in "freefall"...? 
B. If there was no sun would we weigh anything at all?..we would say 
yes....because the earth has it's own grav feild..ok... so how does the sun 
negate the earth's grav in free fall?..even more to the point if it can why 
does it not do that when we are on the sun side during the day?. if it 
accelerates the center of mass of the oceans then why not the center of my mass 
? ....why not?... We are said to "freefall" toward the sun even now! ( on the 
sun side of the earth) But we dont appear to fly off toward the sun....why not, 
if we are "freefalling" and the sun's grav feild would negate the pull of the 
earth's grav feild?.if it does not negate/overcome the pull of the earth's 
feild then how would we fall away toward the sun?!......If the pull is equal 
from the sun and the earth then how can we weigh anything....if the earths pull 
is greater at our location then the sun's then how do the tides get accelerated 
differently then we do by the sun?...why does
 our weight not fluctuate with the tides with the same magnitude of force that 
accelerates all that sea water as the sun passes over us.... 
C. on the night side of that earth, there is the difference between a person on 
that earth "freefalling" to the center of the sun's center of mass and a person 
on the elevator "freefalling" to the earth's center of mass ....? is the 
earth's grav over power the suns...then how come there are tides on the night 
side as well?....what is accelerating them in a new moon where the sun and moon 
are on the same side wrt the earth.... 
Summary: The earth still has a gravity that attracts mass with or without the 
sun.....There is no way to negate the earth's pull on person by claiming a 
"freefalling" toward the sun even if we say the earths is stronger we still 
have a detectable acceleration wrt the sun in free fall the tides!?.....or more 
precisely the whole idea of "free falling" to the sun is not really 
"freefalling" in the same way that a apple falling toward the earth. The 
falling apple is not the same as a satellite in orbit...using the term 
"freefall" is just a free and loose use of terminology/cop out for the fact 
that those two circumstances are not even remotely the same and yet they are 
explained away the exact same way....?

Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
 -----Original Message-----
From: allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wed, 7 May 2008 08:14:47 -0700 (PDT)  

... I will ask a question  to everyone.....if i am on a planet of one earth 
mass that is falling toward the sun will i have any weight and how much will i 
weigh and why?.....

Your weight is a force and is therefore given by Newton's F=ma, where m is your 
mass (in kg for example) and a is the acceleration (m/s/s) produced by this 

There will be a force acting on you directed towards the centre of the World, 
where the acceleration resulting from this force at the World's surface is g 
m/s/s. And there will be a force acting on you and directed towards the centre 
of mass of the Sun, where the acceleration due to this at the World's surface 
is g' m/s/s. These will be acting in opposite senses.

Your weight, W, will therefore be
                                   W = mg - mg' = m(g - g') N
and will act towards the centre of the World until such time (since the World 
is in 'free fall' towards the Sun) as g' = g, when you will become weightless. 
Then, as g' > g, you will be pulled off the World and fall into the Sun before 
the World does. I.e., your weight would be constantly changing.

The above assumes that you are positioned on the same side of the World as the 
Sun and that you are not an 'extended' object, at least not in relation to the 
strength (size) of the gravitational field of either the World or the Sun.



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