[geocentrism] Re: 666

  • From: Martin Selbrede <mselbrede@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 00:55:51 -0500

On May 24, 2007, at 12:50 AM, Martin Selbrede wrote:

the term "troublous time."

Out of curiosity, I checked the Hebrew on this. The noun form in "distress of time" occurs only HERE in the entire Bible. It is a completely unique word, with no match anywhere else. This is what Bible scholars term a "hapax legomenon" -- a single isolated incidence of a word for which no other incidences can be found.

Therefore, your certainty of having found a "direct correlation" is, to put it baldly, very overstated. You have no grammatical parallel, so you're reduced to the IDEA of trouble. But my quotations from Nehemiah embody the idea of trouble AND the building of the wall that occurred in response to the command sent by God. Because we're dealing with a hapax legomenon, you CAN'T have a perfect match by definition. You shouldn't create the impression you've met that standard of proof.


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