Re: Italic Handwriting

  • From: "Roger Beamon" <rbeamon1@xxxxxxx>
  • To: fptalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:20:10 -0700

On 21 Feb 2007 at 13:01, RFalken wrote, at least in part:

> It's a lack of depth perception.  I always used the hand over hand
> system of brush lettering. In other words, resting my right hand on
> my left or sometimes using a mahlstick to hold my hand off the
> lettering surface.  So when touching down a loaded brush against the
> surface I could no longer tell how far away it was so the mistakes I
> made were so frequent I couldn't work at commercial speed. With a pen
> the hand is in touch with the surface so no problem. At least that's
> how it worked with me.

Thanks. Makes perfect sense now that you have told me.

Roger Beamon
Southern Arizona  USA
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