Re: [foxboro] Talk about old annunciator keyboards on an old UNIX system...

  • From: <>
  • To: <foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 09:37:13 -0400

I assume you're talking about the AAtab file here, because the AApan files are 
usually shorter and not that difficult to scan for duplicate display filenames 
within them.

For the AAtab files, I do essentially what Terry suggests below with the 
complicated maneuver of transferring the files to another OS and importing 
into Excel, but with just one awk/nawk command:

------ start of script file ------
#! /bin/sh
# this file is chk_dup
# it is assumed that the AAtab files are already sorted alphabetically
# as required
nawk '{while ($0)                  # as long as there are data
          {c=$1; b=$2; ln=$0       # save COMP, BLOCK, and current line
           getline                 # go to the next line
           if (c==$1 && b==$2)     # if COMP and BLOCK are the same
               {print ln"\n"$0}    # print previous and current lines
      }' $1
------ end of script file ------

Then you run your AAtab files through this script file on the command line, eg.:

chk_dup 01WP01AAtab

It'll return pairs of lines with duplicate comp:blocks.


-----Original Message-----
From: foxboro-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:foxboro-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of Terry Doucet
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 9:11 AM
To: foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [foxboro] Talk about old annunciator keyboards on an old UNIX 

If I was sitting at my desk in front of a Wondoz machine, I'd telnet to the 
station and run a unix2dos command on the files and give them a .txt extention, 
then ftp them to my Windoz and open the file with Excel or some tool like that 
and then sort the C:B.P column where the duplicate should stick out. But to be 
honest, I have not done this for a few years so the term "easily" may be more 
in my mind than in fact.


> From: Joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [foxboro] Talk about old annunciator keyboards on an old UNIX 
> system...
> Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 09:04:05 -0400
> Terry,
> Thanks for the reminder; I did not even think about the source AW file I
> copied from (it's always a shocker how easily we lose sight of the forest
> for the trees).  This is my next step.
> Just curious, why do you say it is an "easy" check for duplicate names?
> What tool are you suggesting that makes it easy?  I'm pushing for Foxray
> here because that is one of its features but not sure what tool is available
> in the meantime that would make that chore easy.
> Thanks again.
> Joseph M. Riccardi

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