RE: email addy format

  • From: "Michael B. Smith" <michael@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "[ExchangeList]" <exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 18:00:34 -0400

Is the server overloaded? Do you have tarpitting turned on? IMF enabled?
Exchange sends to a literal address just fine.


From: Tom Kern [mailto:tpkern@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 1:31 PM
To: [ExchangeList]
Subject: [exchangelist] RE: email addy format 
actually, i meant sending out to that addy, NOT accepting it.
Thanks a lot!
My smtp logs have a lot of RSET coming from the server from which that
addy orginiates.
What could that signify?
Thanks alot again

On 10/10/05, Michael B. Smith <michael@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
        (1) Yes. As long as it is in a recipient policy.
        (2) Yes. But it takes a little work to make that happen. You
have to script it, because the GUI doesn't allow you to enter it
manually. Something like this: 
        <script language="VBScript">
        Option Explicit
        <script language="VBScript" src="lib/constants.vbs"      /> 
        <script language="VBScript" src="lib/ado.vbs"            />
        <script language="VBScript" src="lib/report.vbs"         />
        <script language="VBScript"> 
        ' This program adds a new non-primary proxyaddress for
        ' a user. The user must already exist, the proxyAddresses
        ' attribute for the user must already exist, and the new
        ' proxyAddress must be in SMTP format. 
        ' You must specify a valid userPrincipalName (UPN) or a valid
        ' sAMAccountName to specify the user object to be modified.
        ' Usage:
        ' Ch12-Add-Proxy.wsf [UPN | sAMAccountName] proxyAddress
        ' Example:
        ' Ch12-Add-Proxy.vbs michael.smith smtp:abuse@[
<> ]
         Dim objUser, s, strQuery, objRootDSE, strNamingContext 
         Dim strSearch, strAddr
         Dim arr, arrNew
         Dim i, iCount, item
         If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 2 Then 
          Call myExit ("Wrong argument count")
         End If
         strAddr   = WScript.Arguments (1)
         strSearch = WScript.Arguments (0)
         s = LCase (Left (strAddr, 5))
         If s <> "smtp:" Then 
          Call myExit ("proxyAddress must have 'smtp:'")
         End If 
         If InStr (strAddr, "@") = 0 Then 
          Call myExit ("proxyAddress must have '@'")
         End If
         If InStr (strAddr, ".") = 0 Then 
          Call myExit ("proxyAddress must have '.'")
         End If
         Set objRootDSE = GetObject (" LDAP://RootDSE";)
         strNamingContext = objRootDSE.Get ("defaultNamingContext")
         Set objRootDSE = Nothing
         Call InitializeADSI
         If checkProxyAddresses (strAddr) Then
          Call DoneWithADSI
          WScript.Quit 1
         End If
         If Instr (strSearch, "@") > 0 Then
          s = "userPrincipalName=" & strSearch
          s = "sAMAccountName=" & strSearch 
         End If
         strQuery = "<LDAP://"; & strNamingContext & ">;" & _
          "(" & s & ");" & _ 
          "name,distinguishedName;" & _
         Call DoLDAPQuery (strQuery, Rs)
         If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
          e "Record not found: " & s
          WScript.Quit 1
         End If
         If rs.RecordCount > 1 Then
          e "Too many records found: " & s
          WScript.Quit 1
         End If
         While not rs.EOF
          set objUser = GetObject ("LDAP://"; & rs.Fields
          arr = objUser.proxyAddresses
          iCount = UBound (arr)
          ReDim arrNew (iCount + 1)
          i = 0
          For Each item in arr
           e item
           arrNew (i) = item
           i = i + 1
          arrNew (i) = strAddr
          wscript.echo strAddr 
          objUser.proxyAddresses = arrNew
          Set objUser = Nothing
         Set objUser = Nothing
         Call FinishLDAPQuery (rs)
         Call DoneWithADSI
         e "Done!"
        Function checkProxyAddresses (str)
         s = "proxyAddresses=" & str
         strQuery = "<LDAP://"; & strNamingContext & ">;" & _
          "(" & s & ");" & _ 
          "name,distinguishedName;" & _
         Call DoLDAPQuery (strQuery, Rs)
         If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
          e "Unused proxyAddress: " & s
          checkProxyAddresses = False
          e "Duplicate proxyAddress (" & str & ") found. Not allowed." 
          checkProxyAddresses = True
         End If
         Call FinishLDAPQuery (rs)
        End Function
        Sub myExit (str)
         e str
         e "Ch12-Add-Proxy.wsf: [userPrincialName | " & _
          "sAMACcountName] proxyAddress"
         WScript.Quit 1
        End Sub


        From: Tom Kern [mailto:tpkern@xxxxxxxxx] 
        Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 1:09 PM 
        To: [ExchangeList]
        Subject: [exchangelist] email addy format
        can exchange 2k deliver email to an address in the form of
name@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or does it need to be name@xxxxxxxxxx?
        Also can exchange 2k deliever mail to a domain literal addy like
name@ipaddress. ?

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