[dokuwiki] Weird problem after custom instalation.

  • From: Konrad Kosmowski <konrad@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 17:03:25 +0200

Hello everyone,

I've strange problem with DokuWiki. My setup is a bit modified. What I
wanted to do is two languages in one installation (with shared part of
configs, users etc. but different datadirs).

Here is what I did:

1. Downloaded tarball and unpacked it into /english directory, made
   some basic setup (created changes.log, set permissions etc.).
2. Created shared directory that will hold shared files.
3. Created some symlinks from files in /shared/conf/* to english/conf/
   - I've set up the dokuwiki.php file to be the shared config file,
   and local.php to be local config for each instalation. Also
   symlinked user and acl configs with shared ones.
4. Copied /english directory to /polish directory,
   modified /polish/conf/local.php (language) - I've set datadirs for
   static path to exact datadir for each language.

Now I have such setup:

|-- english
|   |-- conf (local configs - english)
|   |-- data (local data - english)
|   |   `-- ...
|   |-- inc
|   |   `-- ...
|   `-- lib
|       `-- ...
|-- polski
|   |-- conf (local configs - polish)
|   |-- data (local data - polish)
|   |   `-- ...
|   |-- inc
|   |   `-- ...
|   `-- lib
|       `-- ...
`-- shared
    |-- conf (shared config)
    |-- conf_en -> ../english/conf
    `-- conf_pl -> ../polski/conf

Now things seems to work - when I visit http://server/english i get
english controls etc. with http://server/polski I get polish locale.

When I edit/create a page the files show up in proper datadir, log
entry is created, indexed and so on. So far everything perfectly OK.

The problem is that pages do not display - the area where template
outputs formatted page is empty. When I hit edit button then the
textarea contains proper code. I just cannot view it or preview it.

Any hints?

    +                                 '                      .-.     .
              .         http://kosmosik.net/             *    ) )
      *                                    .           .     '-'  . kK
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