[dokuwiki] Re: Cannot edit pages, only says Show Page

  • From: "Martin Tschofen" <martin.tschofen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 20:50:31 -0600

Perhaps you've tried this already.
I'm not a Linux guru either, however in Mac OS X, I have to set the
owner of the data directory and all its items in it to the owner of
the webserver. On OS X that's "www" on your Linux box it may be a
different owner.

Permissions I don't have to touch after that. I also have to set the
owner of the conf dir and the owner of the user, acl and local files
in it to "www"

Hope this helps...martin

On 11/13/06, sports tg <sportstg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for the mail.

> Whom do the files belong to? The group's should be the one that your
> webserver runs with. You do not need 777 then, 750 will do (for
> directories, and 640 for files).

The files are all mine. I tried a
chmod 750 dokuwiki/data and all the other directories but then when I did
ls -l data/pages
ls: data/pages: Permission denied
So I went back to 777.

> For example, when you do a ls -l in data/pages, you should see something
> - -rw-rw----  1 tom    www     413 Nov 12  2006 start.txt
> In this case, the file belongs to user tom and group www (assumed that
> webserver runs with group www).

I have no files in pages just a directory. This directory has 2 directories
and then there i one more layer in one of the branches before the  files are
listed. I tried doing a chmod 777 on all these branches. Looking at the
permissions on the files I get :

-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root         3450 Nov 11 20:32 file1.txt

> When you do a "chgrp www data" and "chmod 2770 data" (from the dokuwiki
> root dir) all files created in the data directory will automatically
> to the www group (because of the gid bit set). And when you have
> "$conf['fmode'] = 0664" and "$conf['dmode'] = 0775" in your
> you should be able to edit all files.

chpgrp www data gave an invalid group.  Then I added the 2 lines to the
local.php, still the same. Then I did
chmod 2770 data
and now I can't get a dojuwiki setup error message and can't see any of the
Sorry for my lack of linux knowledge.

thanks, Tom.

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