[cfinformatica-grup] MiniDebconf 2014 Barcelona

  • From: Mònica Ramírez <mramirez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cfinformatica-grup <cfinformatica-grup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 09:26:18 +0100


Us envio una informació que crec que us pot interessar: a Barcelona, els
propers 15 i 16 de març, s'està organitzant una minidebconf (conferència de
Debian en format reduït de dos dies):


Aquesta minidebconf tindrà la pecularitat que les ponents seran dones (o
persones que s'identifiquen amb el gènere femení). Un dels objectius és
visibilitzar que, tot i que el percentatge és extremadament baix, també hi
ha dones en el món del software lliure (en particular a Debian). Les
conferències seran gratuïtes i estan obertes a tothom.

Us adjunto el "Call for Proposals" per si hi ha algú que s'animi a fer una
xerrada. Si us plau, si coneixeu alguna dona que creieu que pot estar
interessada en donar una xerrada relacionada amb Debian, animeu-la a
fer-ho! També us animo a que ho difongueu entre el vostre alumnat.

Per qualsevol dubte, la coordinació de l'esdeveniment es fa en aquesta
llista de correu: http://llistes.cpl.upc.edu/listinfo/debian-miniconf
(us animo a afegir-vos-hi si us fa gràcia, necessitem més organitzadors i
voluntaris!). També podeu contactar amb mi personalment.

Aquí va el Call for Proposals:

=============================================== MiniDebConf 2014
Barcelona Call for
Proposals===============================================Debian Women
is proud to announce that it will hold a MiniDebConfin Barcelona on
15-16 March 2014, where Debian enthusiasts fromfar and wide will
gather to talk about the latest Debian changesand the Debian
community, as well as to meet new and old friends.We want to have a
MiniDebConf with both talks and social events,to which everyone in
Debian is invited but where the speakers inthe talks are all people
who identify themselves as female. Weconsider this important to: *
Encourage women who haven't yet given their first DebConf talk *
Provide role models for women who are interested in contributing *
Debunk the myth that there are not enough women who can give    talks
in DebConfThe idea behind the conference is not to talk about women in
freesoftware, or women in Debian, but rather to make discussion
aboutDebian subjects more inclusive for women. If you agree with
thisgoal, spread the word. Forward this call for potential speakersand
help us make this event a great success!Debian Women invites
submissions of proposals for papers,presentations, discussion sessions
and tutorials for theevent. Submissions are not limited to traditional
talks: youcould propose a performance, an art installation, a debate
oranything else. All talks are welcome, whether newbie or veryadvanced
level. Regular sessions will be 45 minutes long,including time for
questions, with a 15 minute break betweenevents.If you have one or
more proposals, please send it toproposals@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Don't forget to includein your message: your name or nick, the title
of the event,description, language, and any other information that
mightbe useful. We will try to get some sponsorship to help
withspeakers' travel expenses.Please submit your proposal(s) before
the 31st of January so thatwe can start the evaluation process and
build the conferenceprogram. We might continue to receive proposals
after date ifthere is still free space in the schedule.We hope to see
you in Barcelona!For more information, visit

Mònica Ramírez Arceda
Professora del Departament d'Informàtica
Tutoria d'ajuda tècnica al professorat i administració de la plataforma

"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your
Albert Einstein

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