[argyllcms] Re: telling X11 about location of display profile.

  • From: Graeme Gill <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 14:59:24 +1100

Leonard Evens wrote:
I thought dispwin -L xxxx.icc loaded the vgct into the video card LUT.

Yes it does, but note that xxxx.icc is being ignored.

What I want to do is allow an application such as gimp to query the
system (X server?) to find out which profile to use.

dispwin -L does that as well. It makes the installed profile the
current profile.

By "installed" I mean the persistently configured profile.

By "current" I mean, "being the profile currently in use".

Note that both the Video LUT values and the X11 atom are not
persistent - they disappear when the X11 server and video drivers stop.

The documentation seems to say that dispwin -I xxxx.icc does that, and
presumably also loads the vgct in the video card LUT.

Yes. It both installs the profile (Records it persistently as
the associated profile for that display), and then makes that
profile the current profile (calibration set in the Video LUT on the
video card, and _ICC_PROFILE atom set to that profile).

dispwin -L just does the last bit.

I tried that and
when I run

xprop -root | grep ICC

I get a whole line starting ICC_PROFILE(CARDINAL) = followed by a long list of Are those numbers the profile?.

Yes, they are the ICC profile. The beauty of this is that the profile
will be available to remote applications.

Also Clemens Beisch suggested I do a google search on
XICC fedora
and when I did that I found the answer to the same question when I had
asked it previously.   But that told me to use xicc for this purpose.  I
can't find any program called xicc.

Perhaps this <http://packages.debian.org/unstable/x11/xicc> ?

It's unlikely that xicc has a concept about the currently
installed profile though.

Graeme Gill.

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