[HG-PBEM] Weekly Summary 7

  • From: "Dennis D. Kirkpatrick" <dkirkpat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: apaworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 22:35:32 -0600

The Shoals of Bankruptcy: Part 7
Mar. 30th - April 14th

In the back of the Sand Stone

"Just like riding a sand hopper," Tina whispered to herself as she 
skirted the rooftop opposite of Chagall.  "You never forget."

She didn't have many rounds left in her "borrowed" weapon, but she 
wouldn't need any more... she was trained to be as efficient as 
possible.  She could make due with one a couple of rounds.

Moving towards the south side of the roof, Tina begin to slowly cut 
to the north, hoping that the gunman might be caught by at least one 
of the GREL on the roof.

As she moved, she could hear more feet shuffling. The sounds gave 
away that there were two persons seeming to steal away between the 
two GRELs, amid the maze of rooftop obstacles.

After a short while, the shuffling stopped, seeming roughly thirty or 
so meters from Tina's position.

Slowing her approach, in an effort to keep from making any noise, Tina 
continued to move towards where she heard the shuffling.

There was a startled yell, clearly by two people. Chagall's voice spoke 
up. "Freeze or die." Tina heard the sound of a body crashing down 
against sheet metal.

Quickening her pace, Tina closed in on the Chagall's voice and the 
sounds of the scuffle.

"//Why didn't she just open fire?//" she thought to herself as she 
crossed the distance, coming in closer.

As Tina rounded the corner, she saw Chagall standing over two very 
frightened streetrats. She had disarmed one of his knives. The female 
only cowered against a boiler stack.

"These are not the gunman," Tina said.  There was a twinge of 
disappointment in her voice.  "He's probably half way to Port Arthur 
by now."

She turned and started moving back towards the ladder, lowering her 
weapon. That was when she spotted something strange on the 
rooftop nearby. Picking it up it was a piece of paper folded up to look 
like a pair of praying hands.

She held the paper up, so that Chagall could see it, saying, "Not the 
most subtle symbolism."

Chagall snatched the oragami from Tina's outstetched hand. Looking 
at it intently.

Then, she continued on her way.  She was getting light-headed from 
the massive amounts of blood she had lost and was losing her 
patience with the day's events.

Once they were back in the alleyway, Chagall handed Tina the same 
paper, now unfolded. "Looks like you've found a new nemesis," the 
Morgana added coldly as she continued on ahead of Tina.

Reading the paper, Tina read the scrawled down message. "Where 'o 
where, could my sweet GREL be. Dead, dead as dead can be."

Tina smiled at the message before heading inside to find medical 

In the Transrail Oasis Hangar

"Outta the Way!" Keavy yelled, trying to be heard over the noise of 
the Antelope's engine.  She thought about slowing down but there 
was the matter of the grenade behind them.  Instead she just pressed 
even harder on the accelerator and plotted her course through the 

Terry ignored the guards as his attention was focused on the ninja 
behind him. He squeezed off shot(s) at the man hoping one would 
connect and drop the fellow by the grenade.

Terry's shots ricochetted all around the fleeing man, but were unable 
to connect as the man darted around the corner. The grenade still 
rested in the center of the corridor, unexploded.

"Call the police?" He asked.

"Sounds good.  Grab hold of something." Keavy yanked the wheel 
over to one side and skidded the Antelope around a corner.  The 
vehicle rocked wildly, its high center of gravity not well suited to high-
speed turns.  The front tires hit something and bounced, skidding into 
another direction.

Keavy, hands gripping the wheel, fought to turn into the skid, 
something she learned on the badland rally circuit.  Unfortunately she 
wasn't as good with the Antelope as she was with her gear.  The 
Antelope spun a tight 180 degrees and managed to stop short of 
sideswiping a building.

Keavy brushed several loose strands of hair out of her face and 
grinned up at Terry. "Admit it. You love this stuff."

"Well I don't travel with you 'cause of you're looks." Terry joked back, 
reflexively trying to get out of reach of her retaliatory strike. She was 
devastatingly attractive actually - doubly so where speed is involved. 
"Methinks the MMs are going to get away. No tingly tingly of the 
spiderous ganglea." He said as he leaned out the window to watch the 
ineffective guards fan out and waste their time searching.

Strapped into her seat, Keavy was unable to reach over and smack 
Terry for his comment.  "Listen to the lip I get from my Boytoy." she 
said as she unbuckled herself.  The girl then slid out of the Antelope 
and walked around to the hood of the jeep.  "At least they didn't seem 
to take anything, well not that I could see," she said as she positioned 
her hands similar to the thieves.  Keavy pulled herself up and tested 
her balance as if she was going into a handstand.  "That was quite a 
move that he made. It takes quite a bit of training to do a hand vault 
over a moving vehicle. That guy was no common cutpurse.  I wonder 
if Rohgen would know anything about him."

"Omigosh." Keavy said suddenly.  "Rohgen!  He ran into the gas." 
She jumped into the driver's seat and put the Antelope in gear. "I hope 
that he's alright."

In the Redliner's Hangar

A week and a half had now passed since the shooting incident at the 
Sand Stone. Nearly half the team had suffered gun shot wounds. 
Fortunately, most of them were minor. Matsuo Luong from Blue Team 
had suffered the worst injuries, still being in critical care. He had been 
admitted to the hospital in the Transrail Oasis Tower across the Core. 
Everyone was now assembled for an important team meeting that the 
Colonel had called earlier today. The Colonel, Jezebel, Chico and Clara 
were still out of the room. However, new to the team, the young gear 
pilot Diggs William had arrived the day after the shooting and had 
spent much of his time assisting Felicity, Sasquatch and Lyle Devous 
in getting the remaining Gears repaired and reassembled.

Also present were Keavy, Terry and Rohgen, who signed up with the 
team a couple of days after their own incident in the Transrail Oasis 
Hangar Facility. The two thieves that they had helped chase had 
unfortunately gotten away, seeming to disappear into the Oasis 
Station's ventilation system and skulk away undetected. The exact 
nature of the two men's intent was still under investigation by 
Transrail Security. After performing an inventory on their equipment 
and supplies, it appeared that nothing had been stolen or clearly 
tampered with. At the same time, the grenade had ended up being a 
fake, merely meant as a ruse to assist the thief in getting away. It was 
clear that the thieves had been highly-trained professionals, likely ex-
special-ops personnel for hire. Transrail Security assured the trio that 
a continued investigation would reveal something. At present, their 
Cheetah Gear and supplies had all been moved into the Redliner's 

There was an impatient air in the hangar. Gustav, Chagall and an 
injured Jonus all took perimeter near the doors leading out of the 
hangar. At that point, the far door open, and the missing four entered 
the hangar.

Holding out his arms, the Colonel called out. "Thank you for your 
patience. I am sorry that we are late. We were going over, er,... 
business issues."

He, his wife, Chico and Clara all stopped at the foot of Shamus' 
Iguana, which had been reassembled and now stood upright. "Let me 
get to the point," the Colonel continued, clearing his voice. "As you 
know the team paid for all your medical treatments. Clara and I have 
been going over the books, and---"

"What's going on?" Jaana Czeshin interrupted. There was a chorus of 
voices that echoed Jaana's question.

Jezebel squeezed her husbands hand as if to assure him. "Well, to put 
it bluntly," the Colonel answered, gesturing for people to let him 
continue. "We're broke. Completely broke, I'm afraid."

"Stop me when any of this sounds familiar." Terry whispered to 
Keavy and Rohgen.  In all their adventures through the badlands 
they'd often been low on money.  Only when they got serious about 
gear racing did they slowly start to build up any kind of real savings.

"Oh it definitely sounds familiar." Keavy replied as she fidgeted a little 
in her seat.  All of the contract fuss to find out that the team had no 
money. She blew and popped a bubble with her gum.  "Nice time to 
find this out too."

"They've been running on empty for a while now." Terry said quietly, 
"Suffice it to say the medical bills had nothing to do with them being 
broke. I'm starting to suspect that all us new people are part of some 
desperate rescue plan."

"Then we'd better put a plan in place and do something about it." 
Terry said, "We have a race coming up in a couple of weeks we need 
to practice for and gears and people to fix in the meantime.  Unless 
you want to run a really big bake sale or form a rock band and go on 
tour we'd best stick with what we know and hold it together for that 

Why you inane asshole," Chico burst back at Terry, moving forward. 
"What do you---" The Colonel grabbed Chico's arm.

"Chico, that won't help," the Colonel instructed.

"It appears" Terry said quietly to his friends, "That commonsense 
comments aren't appreciated either.  As far as first impressions go, I 
continue to be disappointed."

Keavy jabbed an elbow at Terry and gave him a stern look. "Play nice 
now, Ter."

"I am. They're the ones" He nodded at the others, "That didn't tell us 
they were broke when they hired us."

Juliette, leaning on a cane to help support her injured but healing leg, 
arched one of her dark eyebrows. "What are you telling us?" she 
asked, looking directly at the Colonel. "Are you dissolving the team?"

The Colonel looked startled for a moment at Juliette, before giving a 
nervous chuckle. "Sweet Prophet, no!" he exclaimed.

"Then what?" Jory returned, moving to stand closer to Juliette.

"And what about my Clan's money?" William asked. "Where did that 
go? Surely, it didn't all go to pay for the medical expenses?"

More people started firing back at the Colonel. The squat man held up 
his hands. "Please, let me continue." The crowd reluctantly quieted.

"Thank you," the Colonel continued. Looking at Terry, he continued. 
"We aren't dropping out of racing. In fact, we are scheduled to 
participate in the upcoming Bulwark 1000." He looked toward Diggs 
William. "The Digg's money is what helped secure our participation in 
the upcoming race."

Another bubble pop.  "Bulwark 1000.  Sweet."  Keavy briefly smiled at 
the mention of the race before she got serious again.  "What about 
Mother Superior?  We aren't going to have to put up with any more 
gangsta-types sniffing around here are we?  I don't like being a target 
outside of the race track."

Juliette nodded in agreement. "Can we expect more attacks?" she 
asked. "What reason do we have to believe that this Mother Superior 
won't try something similar again?" Somewhat naively, she added, 
"What about the authorities?"

"Authorities?" the Colonel replied, seeming befuddled at the question. 
"This is Khayr ad-Din. There are no official authorities, unfortunately. 
Except maybe the Transrail Authority. However, I have worked to 
secure further aid from,... another source," the Colonel admitted. "I 
can't be more specific than that, but, to answer your question, we 
shouldn't see anymore attacks like those in the Sand Stone. Bishop 
Xavier has been dealt with appropriately." The Colonel seemed 
specifically suscinct on that last statement.

"I'm still a bit confused" Rohgen confessed to himself. "Why would 
they bother doing this to us? A racing team? I thought they were just 
a punk cult group of damaged people who have a thing for drugs and 

"I don't understand what you mean," the Colonel replied, seeking 

Seeing the opportunity, Rohgen innocently added "what would they 
care about us for, we're in the sport entertainment trade and I've never 
even met their devil, Spider". "Hell, they have yet to even try to 
convert me", Rohgen tried to sarcastically feint disappointment. 
"Anyone else experience a conversion attempt? And what does this 
Brother Xavier have to do with it?"

Jezebel's on gaze Rohgen grew cold and focused. Clara let out a cough 
as though she had choked on something. A mild sweat appeared to 
glisten on her skin.

Rohgen decided to end off with a hint to anyone who may have seen 
through the feint and jab. "I only ask this 'cause now my butts 
involved in this too". 

Chico raised an eyebrow and looked at the Colonel. "He's worried 
about his safety."

That should drop the hint that I'm looking out for not some other 
person, and me in this now obvious cloak-and-dagger routine, Rohgen 

The Colonel nodded at Chico's conclusion. "I don't what you mean by 
'conversion attempt'," the Colonel responded to Rohgen, "but I can 
understand your concern. First, I don't see how the Xavier was 
interested in you earlier. You weren't a part of our team till after the 
attack in the bar. As for hereafter, like I said, he has been dealt with."

Lemanz sighed. What had she gotten herself into? "If this place is 
lawless," she returned, "What's to keep them from striking back? For 
whatever you had done to Xavier, if nothing else." Disgusted, she 
added, "I don't enjoy being caught in the middle of some kind of gang 
war, especially when we weren't told about the risks up front."

"Xavier crossed a line," the Colonel answered back. "The desert 
winds are shifting. Things in the Core are changing. I can assure you 
of that. I made a promise to you in contract, and I intend to keep that 
promise." His gaze scanned everyone on the hangar. "I need you all to 
trust me over the next few weeks."

Keavy snapped her gum again.  The incident in the bar and the stories 
that the crew was telling of meetings with the Bishop began to worry 
her.  She was used to conflicts on the track but this seemed to be a 
different and more dangerous game altogether.  She stole a quick 
glance over at Terry trying to read his reaction.  He was always better 
than her at reading people and had a sensible head atop his broad 

Terry's head was bent forward and lazily fell to one side.  Tina was 
in front of him and he was looking at her calf - through it actually with 
an unfocused gaze.  He closed his eyes for a few seconds and 
mouthed some noiseless words before twitching involuntarily.  His 
right had opened and closed a few times. Keavy knows he's a leftie, 
but prefers to shoot right for some reason. He's worried.

"How could you go after Xavier and his cronies without money?" 
Terry asked.

The Colonel gave a distinctive pause. Looking at Terry, his gaze 
wasn't malicious but rather unfocused. "Money isn't everything that 
makes the
world go around, Mr. McMartin," the little man finally answered.

"Fair enough. How was it done then?" Terry returned.

"Politics, Mr. McMartin," the Colonel dropped without missing a beat.

"Was it the Spider?" Sasquatch asked plainly.

The Colonel's face went deadpan. He then frowned. "Best to leave 
some things in the shadows for now, Sasquatch."

"Seriously, I'd like to know how it was done," Terry pushed.

The Colonel was clearly annoyed at being pressed on this. "Are you 
familiar with the Gallows Pool, Mr. McMartin?"

"Gallows Pool," Terry answered. "Hmmm.... No, can't say I'm familiar 
with it."

Chico spoke up, stepping forward toward Terry. "What is it to you 
how the Bishop got dealt?"

"Chico," the Colonel snapped. "Enough!"

"Isn't it obvious?  I'm very concerned where my friend's safety and 
mine are at stake.  I'm even more concerned when I have to press so 
hard to get simple answers to these questions.  Let me put it another 
way:  Why aren't you answering my questions?  Why are you telling 
me that our security isn't worth talking about?  How can I do my job 
effectively if I have to worry about looking over my shoulder? There 
are linked issues here:  Existing enemies the Redliners may have -- all 
of which you failed to mention during negotiations -- and the 
resources we have available to deal with them."

"About the Gallows Pool, please continue."

Chico glared, clearly fumed. "You and your friends? You selfish, 
arrogant ass," he returned Terry's rebuke.

"Sometimes you have to be selfish," Terry acknowledged.

The Colonel sighed. "Terry," the man called out, his voice pleading. "I 
can understand your concerns for you and your friends, but you'll 
have to understand, I have to worry about more than you or your 
friends. I have the whole team to worry about. I clearly underestimated 
the Bishop, but he is no longer a problem. There were people involved 
in his disposal into the Gallows Pool that must remain anomynous for 
all our safety." The Colonel voice grew stern. "I would ask that you 
not press me further on this subject."

"If you don't want to answer, that's fine.  In that case I'd like to know 
about what other enemies the Redliners have that we should be aware 
of.  Tomorrow I have to go visit arising trideo star.  I don't want to be 
facing the media later explaining why he - or the rest of us for that 
matter - died off the racing track."

Others in the hangar were growing agitated and began interrupting 
each other, pressing the Colonel and clearly sharing part of Terry's 
concern. The Colonel settled into the team's rhetoric and arguments. 
"Perhaps, I can explain more later, but for now I want to move on from 
the setbacks of the past days, weeks and months," he declared. 
"Specifically, to Mr. McMartin additional concerns," the Colonel 
continued. "Other than Mother Superior and her other bishops, there 
are none."

He then looked at Chico who had stepped back, clearly still agitated, 
and then his wife. "Moving on, dear?"

Jezebel looked at Chico then addressed the team. "As some of you 
may know, we have an opportunity to secure a significant revenue 
stream from a prominent trideo studio in Port Oasis. If we can land the 
contract, the Redliner's will be able to meet its revenue demands and 
pay you the seasonal salaries that you are expecting." Her eyes fell on 
Terry. "Terry, you and Chico are scheduled tomorrow morning to meet 
with the studio agents and the trideo star that want to strike the deal.

"Who is the star?" Keavy asked, her mood brightening considerably. 
Now the conversation was moving into territory that she was familiar, 
and more comfortable, with.  "And what do they want with the 

"Sebastian Chance from the Port Oasis," Jezebel answered. "His father 
is Randall Chance, one of the most popular and enduring film stars on 
Terra Nova. Randall Chance was made famous for his leading role in 
'The Duellist' twenty cycles ago. Apparently, they are casting 
Sebastian for a remake of the original series."

Keavy smiled dreamily. "Ooo. A remake of The Duellist. I wonder if 
they need a leading lady?"

Chico spoke up. "I also want Clara to attend that meeting as well. I 
believe that her skill with numbers will be important. Those Port Oasis 
lawyers will try to bleed us like a hunter vine."

"That's fine by me," Clara answered.

"Good, very good," the Colonel affirmed. "This is really important." 
He gestured to the array of Gears filling the hangar. "Our Gears are 
ready for the time trials scheduled in a couple days, but we need more 
cash to secure the spare parts necessary for repairs and maintenance 
in the actual race." His eyes fell on Rohgen. "This will be your chief 
task, Rohgen. Your resume claims that you are an excellent salvage 
expert and capable of improvising. With the few spares that we have 
on hand, Hanna and her pit team should be able to handle the time 
trials if any issues arise, so you'll need to go and deal with the Trash 
Queen and secure us what we'll need for the race."

"Ei-ei, colonel" Rohgen snapped back, ignoring the insinuation that 
he had been lying on his resume. "I just need to put together a list of 
what needs to be done and what I have to work with"  he continued 
his eye's shifting towards Keavy and Terry "...and for my next trick I 
may need my beautify assistant and a volunteer"

"Right," the Colonel acknowledged. "Felicity, Luc and Tina can help 
you with that following the meeting."

"Sure thing," Felicity chimed. She and Tina had been standing behind 
most everyone leaning against the wall.

To those familiar with his temperament, Shamus had been surprisingly 
quiet throughout the meeting.  The very model of self-restraint, even. 
those team members standing closest to him could make out his 
clenched fists and overhear his muttering "Can't say something nice -- 
don't say nothing at all.  Can't say something nice -- don't say nothing 
at all," over and over to himself.

Hanna spoke up. "I'll also need to work with all the pilots and Silas to 
do prep work for the upcoming time trials."

"Very good," the Colonel responded, clasping his hands together. 
"Unless anyone has anything else, I think we all know what we need 
to do over the next couple of days."

Tina, who had been silent during the entire meeting, chose this 
moment to speak up, saying, "I would request that we be provided 
sidearms to assist in the protection of team assets and personnel."

"Likely a wise precaution under any circumstance," the Colonel 
shrugged. "What you choose to carry is up to you."

Chagall spoke up from her post at a nearby door. "I have a cache of 
sidearms. Being a sister GREL, I'll let you choose one to carry if you 

A short time later in the Hangar

To those persons familiar with his temperament, Shamus had been 
surprisingly quiet throughout the meeting.  The very model of self-
restraint, even. Only
those team members standing closest to him could make out his 
clenched fists and overhear his muttering "Can't say something nice -- 
don't say nothing at all.  Can't say something nice -- don't say nothing 
at all," over and over to himself.

Hanna spoke up. "I'll also need to work with all the pilots and Silas to 
do prep work for the upcoming time trials."

"Very good," the Colonel responded, clasping his hands together. 
"Unless anyone has anything else, I think we all know what we need 
to do over the next couple of days."

After the meeting, Shamus headed directly for Hanna.  "Prep work for 
the time trials, good.  I need to ride."  Instead of being infuriated, he 
seemed more demoralized than anything else.  All he wanted to do was 
race, and nothing was turning out the way he'd thought.  This readily 
apparent weariness made him look even older than his teammates than 

Juliette Lemanz was at Rodriguez's side as he addressed the pit lead. 
Lemanz hadn't gotten to know the older gear pilot very well, but she'd 
liked what she'd seen of him so far, despite his rough exterior. He 
seemed to have his head on his shoulders and have as little time for 
nonsense as she did.

"I'm ready as well," Juliette declared. "My leg is strong enough, I 
think," she added, feeling the dull throb of the wound beneath the 
skin-tight material of her desert suit.

Shamus nodded at Juliette.  They hadn't talked much beyond their 
introduction, but Shamus was glad to have more pilots around.  He 
was impressed by her record as a Southern Republic duelist, but 
secretly had some doubts about how well she would adapt to Gear 
racing.  In a stand-up fight she could easily crush him, but civilian 
Gear racing and military dueling were two entirely different worlds.  
Still, she seemed like a quick study, and if she was as calm and 
resourceful on the track as bar fiasco war stories made her out to be, 
she just might make it.  Watching her progress was one of the few 
things Shamus was looking forward to, and he hoped that it would in 
some way make up for the string of disappointments and shattered  
expectations that he'd experienced since joining the Redliners.

"That's great," Hanna acknowledged toward both Juliette and 
Shamus. "We shou--"

"I'm a little anxious to get moving as well," Keavy unintentionately 
interrupted.  My little Blade needs to be walked." Keavy said as she 
came up behind Shamus.  She was trying to address Hanna but kept 
on sliding her eyes towards Shamus.  She couldn't believe her luck. 
She was going to be racing on the same Team as Fastlane Rodriguez, a 
duellist that she had
liked to watch race when she was younger. It was a real thrill to 
actually see him in person.

"Uhm..Mr Rodriguez." She started to say, trying hard to remain cool. 
"I just wanted to say that it is a real honour to be racing alongside 
you. "//Don't sound like a giddy fangirl//," she said to herself several 
times. "I mean I used to watch you when you raced the...well before 
your accident...and you were always great to watch.  I even saw you 
live one time at this arena in...I made a sign and everything.." Keavy 
dropped her head when she realized what she was doing.  "Gods, I 
sound like a giddy fan girl don't I?"

Shamus seemed a little taken aback at this, his mouth reflexively 
slipping  into the trademark cocky "Fastlane Grin" that once dazzled 
the crowds. "You  know, you're the first one among the younger 
members of the team to recognize me.  Not that I can really blame them. 
 That was a long time ago, and Gear racing has always been a sink or 
swim kind of business.  I also look kind of different.  You may have 
noticed," he said ruefully, absently running blunt fingertips over the 
faint scars on his scalp.

Hanna smiled. "Yes, it is good to have a racer with your knowledge 
and experience, Shamus."

"And it's not like you've changed that much," Keavy added. "I had no 
trouble recognizing you."

Shamus shook his head.  "Mighty kind of you so say so, hon, but I've 
only got to look in the mirror to see how much this mug has changed.  
And as for experienced, well, that's just another way of saying 'old.'"

Jory and Billy had now walked up at this point as everyone dispersed 
into their own tasks. Hanna looked at Jory's shoulder. "How's it 
holding up, Jorelle?"

Jory frowned, looking down at her sling. "The sling eases the pain, 
but I can use the arm without it. Imagine my luck with a the bullet 
breaking my collar bone along with hitting an artery." She looked at 
Juliette. "Not as lucky as you."

"I don't think any of us were particularly lucky," Juliette returned. The 
pain and stiffness in her leg certainly didn't //feel// very lucky. She 
allowed a slightly crooked smile to grace her attractive face. "Except 
for Shamus and the others who missed the fun. //They// were lucky."

"I should've been there.  I knew something was up with that Bishop 
clown, but I just let the team security chase him off without a second 

"Hey I almost got blown up by a grenade and nearly rolled my 
Antelope." Keavy added with a grin of her own.  "I had my fun."

Hanna raised her eyebrows. "Sounds like we all had a real blast, eh?" 
She looked at Billy. "See all the excitement that you missed, kid."

Billy shrugged. "I'm feeling pretty good from my vantage point," he 
returned. "'Course, I'll confess that I'm worried about the team. My 
clan father would be furious at the Colonel. He clearly lying about 

"A businessman lying?  I'm shocked!"  Shamus snorted, cynical. "I 
don't trust the Colonel as far as I can throw him, and I'm doubtful I can 
even pick him up.  This team's deeply tangled up with organized crime. 
 But you know what?  They ALL are.  Gear dueling and racing has 
been corrupt from day one.  The only difference between this team 
and another is that usually the management is skilled enough to keep 
it from interfering with the talent."

Juliette listened quietly, mildly annoyed by Keavy's bubbly 
personality and genuinely interested in what Shamus had to say about 
gear racing. Unlike many of the others, this was no lifelong dream of 
hers. This was a last resort; this was a means of putting food on her 
plate with the skills she'd learned in the Republican Army. The idea 
that the team was somehow mixed up in organized crime was extremely 
distasteful to the woman, but since coming to the Badlands she'd 
quickly learned that things worked very differently here than in Port 
Oasis. Still, she wanted to know more. "What do you mean?" she 
asked. "Tangled up how? Is it worse than debts the Colonel owes to 
Mother Superior?"

Shamus shrugged.  "Don't ask me; I just work here.  They don't tell 
that kind of stuff to the hired help.  It's common for Gear racing groups 
to interact with a little with organized crime groups -- ya know, grease 
a few palms here and there to make things run more smoothly -- but 
Khayr ad-Din is a whole other ball game.  When Bishop Xavier 
showed up, I figured it was just your standard scam for protection 
money.  But from what little the Colonel has spilled, it looks like he's 
trying to play both sides against each other.  Borrow money from the 
Priesthood, then call in Saddik the Spider when they try to collect...."

"Seems like a very dangerous game to play," Juliette said coolly. "It 
will be a happy day when we can leave this place."

"Well, if we can place in this race," Hanna interjected. "We'll be able to
do just that."

She gestured toward the array of Gear in the hangar. "For now, we 
need to get ready for tomorrow. We get a walk-through of the course, 
so the mechanics and crew can make any last minute adjustments that 
you may require while we're doing that. I'd recommend first that you 
make sure that your Gear's systems are working up to spec. Gesturing 
to Jory, Hanna continued, "Also, we need to know now if any of the 
injuries incurred will affect our operations, so I want to run some 
simulations in the pits."

Elsewhere in the Hangar

Rohgen had stayed back from the movement of the crowd at the close 
of the meeting. Here he was in a strange city, a lawless one at that. 
There were clearly corrupt lawgiver deputies apparently being bought 
and sold for Prophet knows what. Already, he'd witnessed seductions, 
thieving, criminal violence, worthless law enforcement, tear gas,.... 
Working for the Redliners was working out to be an adventure indeed.

As he was lost in thought, Lead Mechanic Esperenz approached, her 
red hair bouncing, with one of the GRELs named Tina. "Rohgen, you 
got a moment? I'm sure that you need to go over the list of supplies 
and parts that we need." The petite woman cast a glance at Tina. 
"Though, I thought I should introduce you to Tina, our Electronics 
Specialist. She needs to join you for certain specialized components."


A streak of green disappeared under a table. "So, what's it like to be 
such a beautiful shade of purple?" Rohgen said with a warm, friendly 
smile while admiring the GRELs musculature. "I'm very happy to go 
scrounging in the pit with you." He said as he held out his hand for a 
friendly shake.

Tina shook his hand, stiffly.  At least she was being paired with 
someone on the team who didn't hate GREL.

"What specialized components are you talking about? Does this mean 
we have a To-Do List done up?"

"Ms. Esperenz provided me with a listing of everything we require."

"Yes," Felicity affirmed. "You can download the list from Tina into 
you own PDA. Clara told me that the Trash Queen is expecting you in 
the morning, and that our account is clean with her. You shouldn't 
have any trouble getting the materials on credit."

"If there is a problem," Tina replied, facing Felicity, "I'm sure that Mr. 
Rohgen can cover any costs we incur."

Turning towards Rohgen, she asked, "Ready?"

"Absolutely! Lets get going." Rohgen enthusiastically stated. The 
Pits are his home. He grew up near there. His family live near there 
now. Oh, how he could go for one of mom's home cooked roasted rat. 
"Perhaps you could meet the family, if you like. My mother can cook a 
tin can in such a way that you want to eat it. I swear, it's a super power 
or something! They live near by in the Core. I've got Elan if you like 
we could car pool."

"Uh," Felicity interrupted. "You might want to gather your pit crew to 
help out. You'll need more than an Elan to transport the supplies back 

"I will retrieve them," Tina announced, heading off to recruit the help 
of the pit crew.

Felicity watched Tina walk away and then eyed Rohgen. "Anything 
else you think you'll need?"

[End of Part Seven]

Dennis D. Kirkpatrick
Littleton, CO USA

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