[HG-PBEM] Re: Searching for Rohgen and party

  • From: "Dennis D. Kirkpatrick" <dkirkpat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: apaworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 21:13:25 -0600

[GM: Ah, you missed out on the fun down under. Well, there's still 
more above ground. ^_^ So, what do you want to do Alex and David. 
You can roleplay helping seal off the other hatches, do something else 
entirely, or we can start another scene elsewhere. Let me know. ]

On 2 Jun 2003, at 21:29, Dennis D. Kirkpatrick wrote:

> > Slovenski looked at Chance, Terry and Sasquatch. "You guys don't have to
> > come unless you really want."
> > 
> > "I'll just be in your way." Terry said as he looked at Slovenski and the two
> > hulking GRELs in turn.  "I''ll stay topside with my cell.  Just take a 
> > safety line
> > in case something goes wrong."  The lack of blood and shell casings
> > worried Terry.  Whomever had done this either didn't use bullets, or didn't
> > miss.  Hand to hand against a GREL?  Taser?  Not to mention that in all
> > the confrontations they've had with these unknowns they've come out on
> > the losing end.  Any way you look at it, if the baddies were down there he
> > wouldn't be of any use.
> I'll coming," Sasquatch exclaimed. "I'll be damned if someone's going 
> to hurt sweet Carlie." He paused. "I'll admit though that some body 
> armor would be nice."
> "You'll get whatever you need, even my best men," Dominic affirmed.
> "Just two of your best should do," Slovenski replied. "Chance? I 
> don't know how good a movie star will be, but seeing your on the 
> team, I won't stop you either way."

Chance laughed good naturedly. "Well, I'll leave the big action scenes 
to you pros, but I'd like to come down and give you guys a hand, if I 
can." He checked the straps on the body armor he had been given. 
"Could someone loan me a firearm?" He winked at Terry. "Just in case 
they get close enough so I could knock em over the head with it..." 

Slovenski nodded. "Terry, I want you to coordinate with Ms. Dominic 
on doing a full ground sweep of all the other access hatches. Find out  
if they escaped through any of them. If not, seal it off. We don't need  
anyone making a break for it under our noses again." Slovenski looked 
at Chance. "Help Terry out."

Another hopper landed nearby and men began throwing out 
equipment. Slovenski started for the hopper. "Sasquatch, come on. 
Time to get suited up."

"Sure thing," the large youth replied, a sound of intrepidation in his 

Soon, the pair were suited up, looking like the commando twins. 
Joining them were two others, also dressed to kill. Slovenski 
approached the entry shaft, pulled a glowflare from his bandolier, 
struck it and dropped the flare down the shaft. He watched it fall and 
come to rest roughly 20 meters down. The flare soon flickered out, its 
luminous concoction spent.

Looking down the dark shaft, Slovenski ordered, "OK, let's go." As he 
first descended into the shaft, he called out to Terry. "I'm counting on 
you doing your part. See you soon." He then quickly dropped out of 
sight, apparently sliding down the railing.

Next the other two men followed with Sasquatch on their tail. Before 
Sasquatch disappeared below the ground, he looked up at Chance and 
smiled his typical dumb-looking smile. "Wish us luck." he called out. 
He then disappeared, leaving everyone else on the surface.

 [End of scene?]

Dennis D. Kirkpatrick
Littleton, CO USA

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