badgerstatevolunteers: Badger State Volunteers

apientia et veritas (Wisdom and truth)


We are Constitutionalists, survivalists, self-sustainers, and educators plain and simple.

We are NOT a religious group! We do not discriminate against anyone for their God or Lack of! If you have come here to sway others to or against Jesus, Satan, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, Alah, Buddha, Space Aliens, Virgin Mary (statue or burnt toast) etc...then please go away.

We are NOT a racially motivated group! We do not care about your color. We only care that you believe in the preservation of The Constitution of the United States of America. If you have come here to persuade others to join the Aryan nation, KKK, Skinheads, Black Panthers, SPLC (Yes Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group), Voces de la Frontera etc...go away

We are NOT a corporation! We do not want your money, possessions, soul, first born or gold teeth. If you do want these things then please go away.

We are NOT affiliated with ANY individual political party nor do we discriminate against them! Believe it or not there are still a few good Democrats and Republicans out there...somewhere...

We are NOT anti-government! If you have come here to form an army to over throw the government, kill federal employees, bomb buildings etc...then please join one of the above groups that I have asked to leave this place.


We DO want your input, ideas, knowledge, thirst for knowledge, honor, integrity, honesty and dedication.

We want to motivate you to grow as an individual first in order to make your own educated and personal decisions.

Our goals are to learn and survive in various scenarios. From economic collapse to home invasion to being lost in the woods. As a group we share our combined knowledge so that we may grow powerful in body and mind. In this we will have the ability to use our power with wisdom and our wisdom with power.