Non-profit Organizations

Technology-based organizations general organizations

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Knights of Columbus Community

This mailing list is intended for the Knights of Columbus community. People subscribed to this list will be informed of charitable events and functions that are assigned to this area so that they can plan on attending.

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Kanervapossun hallitus

Kokeilulista helpompaan sahkopostin jakeluun hallituksen jasenille. Jokainen ymmaa, etta tahan osoitteeseen lahetetty viesti jatketaan eteenpain kaikille hallituksen jasenille. Viesti saattaa kiertaa pitkin maailmaa salaamattomana ja joku voi sen lukea matkalla. Valitettavasti tama lista ei tue skandinaavisia merkkeja osoitteissa tai selitetekstissa.

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Condominio Callecurta.

Mailing List dei residenti del condominio Callecurta di Monteviale (Vi). Iscriversi solo se residenti o per sharing proposte con altri condomini ecologici in transizione, ecovillaggi o similari. __________________________ Mailing List for GreenBuilding A+ residence located in Monteviale, Vicenza. Who lives in there use this list in order to keep in touch with links related new way of life in a growing sustainable world.

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24


AIOUG is a non profit organization started by like minded users who think such a community is required in India where the amount of Oracle user base is humongous. The idea of this group is to share what the Oracle users have learned from using Oracle technology over the years with fellow users who have similar interest. This is Bangalore Chapter of AIOUG

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Willamette Neighborhood List Service

This List Service will be used to facilitate moderated discussion between City of West Linn staff and City customers in the Willamette Neigoborhood on City Neighborhood topics, including plan use planning issues, city projects, use of technology to extend city services to the neigborhood, etc.

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

LambroGAS - gruppo ALTI

Discussion group and information sharing about solidarity purchasing group LambroGAS - - ALTI section

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Nevei Kodesh Financial Oversight Committee

Nevei Kodesh Financial Oversight Committee

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Cameroon Listings

Inform our local community on activities carried out in Edmonton (Sports, meetings, special events). Create a platform to share ideas and tips to help each other.

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

NCOR CFR Volunteers

Mailing list to facilitate communication between the volunteers at NCOR's Centre For Reviews

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Cincinnati's Organized and Dedicated Employees

Cincinnati's Organized and Dedicated Employees Mailing List

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Kita Freienwalder Strasse

List for parents of the Kindergarten Freienwalder Strasse to exchange news regarding daycare, closing times, events, opening and closing times, any schedulings.

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Beyond Fences

Beyond Fences information and volunteer activities.

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Bénévoles 23ème Karnaval Humanitaire

Liste regroupant les bénévoles participant à la 23ème édition de la semaine de solidarité du Karnaval Humanitaire. List for the organization of the 23rd edition of the Karnaval Humanitaire'Solidarity Week. The list regroups all the volunteers participating in this edition. The Karnaval Humanitaire is a Non-profit NGO, based in Lyon, France. Its goal is to raise money through cultural events in order to finance humanitarian projects in France but also in the rest of the world. (the last project accomplished lead to the creation of 12 wells in Burkina Faso on a period of 7 years)

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

GGQ Strategic Plan item No 6

Girl Guides Queensland (GGQ) working group for Strategic Plan Item no 6

ListRank: 24ListRank: 24

Comunidad Edificio Vision

mail list of my building. To coordinate us and perform community activities and security activities.

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