Re: Shared Pool causing packages to automatically go invalid!

  • From: "Jared Still" <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: paulastankus@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 14:04:28 -0800

On 11/1/06, Paula Stankus <paulastankus@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

-The developer is saying that it relates to the size of the shared pool.
Can the shared pool being "too" small cause a database object to just "go"
invalid.  I never heard of such a thing.


The attached SQL file will show all dependencies for an object,
both forwards and backwards through the heirarchy of objects
in DBA_DEPENDENCIES, along with the LAST_DDL_TIME of all children.

The LAST_DDL_TIME should help track down why an object became invalid.

I'm fairly sure this query will not work in 8i. :(

You can circumvent that by logging into some account other than SYS
and creating a table DBA_DEPENDENCIES.  (it doesn't work in 8i due
to queries on complex views and 'connect by' not working)

create table scott.dba_dependencies
select * from sys.dba_dependencies.


Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
-- dba_dependencies.sql
-- jkstill@xxxxxxxxx
-- base query from Jacques Kilchoer
-- 11/07/2006 - jkstill - added no_merge hints
--   encapsulated into inline view
--   added 'level'
--   display child DDL time
-- call on the command line:
--   @dba_dependencies <OWNER> <OBJECT>
-- if not on the command line, user will be
-- prompted for values


prompt Dependencies for Owner?:

col cowner noprint new_value uowner
set term off feed off
select upper('&1') cowner from dual;
set term on feed on

prompt Dependencies for Object?:

col cobject noprint new_value uobject
set term off feed off
select upper('&2') cobject from dual;
set term on feed on

set line 142 pages 60

column display_parent format a58
column display_child format a58
column referenced_owner noprint
column referenced_object noprint
column referenced_type noprint
column owner noprint
column object noprint
column type noprint
column last_ddl_time format a22 head 'CHILD DDL TIME'

undef 1 2

with dependencies as (
        -- top down through the heirarchy
        select /*+ no_merge */
                referenced_type || ' "' || referenced_owner || '"."' ||
                referenced_name || '"' as parent,
                type || ' "' || owner || '"."' || name || '"' as child,
                level hlevel,
                referenced_owner, referenced_name, referenced_type,
                owner, name, type
        from dba_dependencies
        start with
                referenced_owner = '&&uowner'
                and referenced_name = '&&uobject'
        connect by
                referenced_owner = prior owner
                and referenced_name = prior name
                and referenced_type = prior type
        -- bottom up through the heirarchy
        select /*+ no_merge */
                referenced_type || ' "' || referenced_owner || '"."' ||
                referenced_name || '"' as parent,
                type || ' "' || owner || '"."' || name || '"' as child,
                level hlevel,
                referenced_owner, referenced_name, referenced_type,
                owner, name, type
        from dba_dependencies
        start with
                owner = '&&uowner'
                and name = '&&uobject'
        connect by
                owner = prior referenced_owner
                and name = prior referenced_name
                and type = prior referenced_type
        order by 1, 2
select lpad(' ',2*d.hlevel,' ') || d.parent display_parent, d.child 
display_child, o.last_ddl_time 
from dependencies d, dba_objects o
where o.owner = d.owner
and o.object_type = d.type
and = o.object_name
order by parent, child

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